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Tufts University: Claire Conceison - Drama - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Review: I learned a lot in this class without feeling overwhelmed. We spent most of class time getting into sometimes rather heated debates over the plays and films we were studying, and I think the professor refrained from putting her views on the table in order to allow free discussion among her students. Professor Conceison is very knowledgeable, resourceful, flexible, and eager to help. Through the research papers and projects, I learned a lot about doing research well, and coming up with good theses.
Workload: Straightforward assignments, albeit plenty. Four journal entries, ten 2-page response papers, one mid-term paper, one final creative project (write a play, make a film, or do a solo performance), and a course reader the thickness of a VHS tape. It's definitely doable, and she understands if you have to skip a few plays. She has a very strict attendance policy. Do not ever skip class. Aside from that, she's a lenient grader with a rewrite policy.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A | |
review a class you took with Claire Conceison - help your classmates make informed decisions!  Tufts University: Claire Conceison - Drama - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Review: Professor Conceison is extremely knowledgeable in Asian and Asian American theater. Her excitement about the course and the material is contagious and is extremely inspiring. She actively encourages participation from all members of the class. She also welcomes alternative views, especially if they add to class discussions. The course material is both interesting to learn and important to know. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking for a fun, interesting class. Most of the plays we read and movies we watched for class are also mainstream works, so you also get the opportunity to gain an academic insight to them.
Workload: While the workload was a bit heavy at times, Professor Conceison is also pretty flexible and understanding. In addition, it's true that the more you put into it, the more you get out of it, because of the nature of the course material. Compared to other Tufts courses, I wouldn't say the workload was tremendously heavy; it's definitely manageable.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A | |
review a class you took with Claire Conceison - help your classmates make informed decisions!  Tufts University: Claire Conceison - Drama - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Review: Claire's probably one of the most sympathetic professors I've met at Tufts. She was not a harsh grader, she gave us opportunities to rewrite essays that we didn't do too well on, and she made a survey course endurable. She's very well-prepared for class, very organized (she won't lose your paper and then insist you never handed it in), and very enthusiastic about the course material. She did make everybody talk in class (it was a small class), got to know her students, was more than happy to help us out with projects, papers... and she didn't mumble highly incomprehensible things into her hands from behind a faraway desk, which was so wonderful, especially at 10:30 in the morning. I would take another class with her.
Workload: Two in-class presentations, one research paper, one midterm, a few announced quizzes that were easy, a few miscellaneous papers, an average of 10 pages to read per class... It was a lot more work than some of my literature classes, but she's pretty forgiving as far as grades go. Just be compelling and creative.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A | |
review a class you took with Claire Conceison - help your classmates make informed decisions!  |