They've graded you all your life, now it's your turn. Rate your classes and professors and help your classmates make informed decisions. |
1. Abstract TuftsReviews/JumboAccess provides this service on the following conditions listed below. To submit reviews, or to use the information on this website beyond evaluative, advisory or reporting ("fair use") purposes, you must agree to these conditions. By submitting reviews or using this information in said manner, you indicate agreement with these conditions. We reserve the right to change this document at any time. 2. Description of Services In a nutshell, TuftsReviews is a collection of reviews written by students for students. In doing so, we hope to somewhat de-mystify the 'shopping period' for class registration and give students somewhere to start from when selecting classes. We also provide a form for students to submit their own course reviews. The guidelines for submissions are listed below under 'Submission Guidelines.' This is in no way a comprehensive guide, nor should it be the only resource a student should use in selecting classes. In fact, we encourage students to seek the advice of counselors, professors, friends, past students, and other resources when selecting classes. 3. Is there an ulterior motive to TuftsReviews ? TuftsReviews does not exist so that disgruntled students can defame or commit libel on Tufts professors and instructors. The Tufts Union Senate covers basic costs for the maintenance of domain name(s) and other hosting expenses for this website. 4. Submission Guidelines a. TuftsReviews has been established such that all submissions received will be posted anonymously. Names of submitters are not wanted, nor will they be posted. b. Any submissions that contain defamatory or libelous language will not be tolerated. This site does not condone such activity and will take the necessary actions to eliminate such language and/or submissions. c. Submissions may include: student's impressions of the class, topics covered, difficulty, course load, anaylsis of professor's teaching style, and any particularly noteworthy elements that students should be aware of in registering for such class. d. In the quest for accuracy and consistency, submitters must be or once have been Tufts students, registered for the classes that they review, and must pledge that they are submitting the review honestly and truthfully. TuftsReviews can only be effective for the entire community if its reviews are accurate and honest. This is not a site for a student to 'get back' at a professor because the professor gave her/him a B instead of an A-. e. All submissions on the site have been reviewed by current Tufts students, or previous alumni who helped to run the site. When you submit a review, you agree that we hold the right to decide which reviews to post online and the right to edit reviews for content and clarity. You also agree that we hold the right to not post a review. f. We have made 'good faith' efforts to post online reviews that are informative, accurate, non-defamatory, and non-libelous. Those who use this site agree to use it 'AS-IS' at their own choice and at their own risk. Any concerns can be addressed to admin@tuftsreviews.com. TuftsReviews.com manages the information on this site -- TuftsReviews.com is not responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the content within this site. Use this information at your own risk. It would be unwise to make a decision about a teacher solely based on a limited number of evaluations. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use TuftsReviews to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. This site is not endorsed or run by Tufts University. The opinions expressed on this site are the opinions of individual students, each evaluation is ONE student's opinion. That opinion may or may not be true, factual or relevant to you. TuftsReviews makes no guarantee as to such evaluations as to the accuracy, currency, content, or quality of such evaluations. The opinions expressed in the reviews posted on this site are the author's own, and do not necessarily represent those of TuftsReviews. 5. Copyright Information The reviews on this website are the intellectual property of their authors. Though these authors are anonymous, their ownership of the reviews they write is nonetheless protected by the law. Submitters to TuftsReviews agree that TuftsReviews may reproduce and edit their reviews in any form or for any purpose common to its mission, but not for any purpose other than academic review. To be clear, TuftsReviews has neither the authority, nor the intention, to ever provide permission to any outside party to reproduce reviews beyond "fair use" and review purposes. The remaining portions of this site are the intellectual property of Jay Meattle, and any other creators of TuftsReviews.com that this document has failed to mention. |
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The opinions expressed in the reviews are the author's own, and do not necessarily represent those of JumboAccess |