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Tufts University: Blaine Pfeifer - Chemical and Biological Engineering - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Blaine Pfeifer | CHBE010 - Thermo & Proc Calc I| Chemical and Biological Engineering2005-11-19

Prof. Pfeifer is a nice guy, it just felt like he had no idea what he was doing, mostly because he has worked in the department for less than 2 years. The classes were poorly structured and consisted mostly of him doing problems straight from the textbook and attempting to incorporate "thinking outside the box" by asking questions that anyone who has taken a Bio or Chem class would know. Most of what he taught in class was already covered in Chem 1/2 or PChem and was hardly added on. However, he was extremely concerned about our progress and understanding the material. He made himself available for office hours often, but sometimes did not understand the solution or admitted that we could not solve it at our current level. Hopefully he will get better as he spends more time here but until then, try to avoid him.

There weren't that many homework questions on the problem sets, but some of them took hours to do. The material was poorly taught in class, so the questions that required extensive knowledge and understanding of topics completely or partially covered in class often could not be completed. The TA who grades this is extremely harsh, and it often seems like he is taking points off for absolutely no reason. The tests consist of three questions containing several parts, which most of the time students are unprepared to complete in the given amount of time or feel had little relation to the material, resulting in massive grade inflation. The project assigned over the entire semester is reasonable, and his biweekly meetings help to keep us on the right track.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Chemical and Biological Engineering

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Top Professors - Chemical and Biological Engineering

1. Blaine Pfeifer (1)

Instructor rating avg: 2 out of 5
Course rating avg: 2 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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