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Tufts University: Lee Minardi - Civil Engineering - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Lee Minardi | ES005 - N/A Oops! In the know? Click to Edit | Civil Engineering2005-12-23

Avoid Professor Minardi for ES 5 at all costs. Even though he is a good CAD professor, statics and dynamics is not his area of expertise, to say the least. He really doesn't know the material he's trying to teach. He gets lost in his mistakes doing examples on the board. If he doesn't have solutions in front of him, he's as useless as a brick, if not more so, because you wouldn't expect a brick to be able to help you. He is very frustrating, and wants to be nice and helpful, but really ought to learn the class himself before he tries to teach it.

Problem sets every class or two. They range from super easy to super hard. The really hard ones wouldn't be so bad if he had taught instead of, well, wasting our time. Two midterms and a final.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Mechanical Engineering

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Tufts University: Lee Minardi - Engineering Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Lee Minardi | ES088CEE - CAD for Engineers | Engineering Science2004-10-19

A class is always better when the professor is truly passionate about the subject, and Professor Minardy is truly passionate about CAD and computer graphics. I would recommend ES88 to all Engineers, (in fact, I think it should be required), even if they didn't like EN1 or EN2. There were even a few liberal arts students in our class who really enjoyed it. One's performance in EN1 and EN2 has nothing to do with one's performance in ES88.

The homework is challenging, but not too time-consuming. Professor Minardi is always available outside of class (in person, or via email). The final project is a short animated movie, which is due during finals week. This project takes a lot of time, but the final product is rewarding. Plan on spending some late nights in the CAD Lab, but overall the workload is very fair.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Lee Minardi - Engineering - Introductory - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Lee Minardi | EN001 - Introduction to Computers in Engineering | Engineering - Introductory2004-09-02

The lectures tended to be on the boring side, but Professor Minardi tries to make it enthusiastic. It is obvious that he spent a lot of time preparing for the course. The lab section is probably more important than the lecture. The TA's were excellent. He often drops by the lab during the lab hours.

Every week there was a homework assignment to be turned in during lab, and a lab assignment to be turned in at the end of the lab section. Also a large project at the end of the semester which is very open-ended.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Lee Minardi - Engineering - Introductory - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Lee Minardi | EN002 - Introduction to Computer Graphics and CAD | Engineering - Introductory2004-09-02

This is the second class in the series that Professor Minardi teaches. This is by far the better of the two. The lectures were actually pretty interesting, as opposed to EN0001. CAD is definitely Professor Minardi's expertise and it shows. His mastery of CAD really motivates student. Once again, his PowerPoint presentations were flawless.

The assignments were much more interesting than those in EN0001 and the semester project was a lot more interesting.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Engineering - Introductory

1. David Kaplan (1.65)
2. Christopher Swan (0.9)
3. Lee Minardi (0.78)
4. Irene Georgakoudi (-0.6)

Instructor rating avg: 4.2 out of 5
Course rating avg: 4 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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