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Tufts University: Sol Gittleman - Judaic Studies - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sol Gittleman | JS065 - INTRO YIDDISH CULTURE | Judaic Studies2005-05-16

This class made me major in Judaic Studies! This was by far the best class I took at Tufts. I love it and I love Sol Gittleman! He's a great, great professor!

Workload was insanely easy and fun! I enjoyed doing the work for this class a lot!

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Judaic Studies

review a class you took with Sol Gittleman - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Sol Gittleman - Judaic Studies - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sol Gittleman | JS065 - INTRO YIDDISH CULTURE | Judaic Studies2005-05-01

Professor Gittleman is a wonderful teacher. His enthusiasm for the course and just overall kindness makes you smile whenever you end the class. The atmosphere is laid-back, but if you pay attention in class, you really do learn a lot about Yiddish culture, and about the whole world. I would definitely take another class with Prof. Gittleman.

There was not much reading- a few short stories per week. The papers were very easy take-home exams (One midterm and one final). If you pay attention in class, you should have no problem.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Sol Gittleman - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Sol Gittleman - Judaic Studies - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sol Gittleman | JS065 - INTRO YIDDISH CULTURE | Judaic Studies2004-07-18

I found this class to be overrated. "Uncle Sol" is humorous at best, and entertaining. However, if you have a brain and expect to use it in this class, you will be sorely disappointed. You will actually be penalized for attempting to analyze the literature you read and do not simply spit back what Gittleman says. The class is huge, and there will be people asking dumb questions constantly. Entertaining? Yes. Educational? No, especially since the only real pieces of literature are rushed through at the end (Goodbye Columbus, etc.) and given the same weight and time in class as an individual sholom aleichem story.


professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Sol Gittleman - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Sol Gittleman - Judaic Studies - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sol Gittleman | JS065 - INTRO YIDDISH CULTURE | Judaic Studies2004-07-16

One of the best classes I have ever taken at Tufts!! I highly recommend it to anyone. Prof Gittleman has more energy and insight than anyone I have ever met.

Work load was pretty straightforward....we read short stories every week (which were really good stories) plus a 10 page midterm and a 10 page final about the stories.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Sol Gittleman - help your classmates make informed decisions!
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Top Professors - Judaic Studies

1. Gloria Ascher (1.5)
2. Rabbi Jeffrey Summit (0.79)
3. Sol Gittleman (0.75)

Instructor rating avg: 4.7 out of 5
Course rating avg: 4.3 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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