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Tufts University: Sarah Frisken - Computer Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sarah Frisken | COMP175 - COMPUTER GRAPHICS | Computer Science2005-08-10

This was Prof. Frisken's first time teaching this course at Tufts, so it was a little wobbly at times, but she is a wonderful teacher. Her concern with students' progress was evident in her lectures and attention to class questions. She's spunky and passionate about her field and it shows.

Her in-class exams were HARD. However, they got more manageable as the term progressed. She asked for feedback on the tests and continued to adjust them to help us. Very receptive to feedback! (And curved the class to make up for the impossibility of finishing the quizzes and exams.)

The course was difficult, but extremely interesting (decided what I want to go to grad school for), especially with the cooperation between undergrads and grads. Students helping one another is encouraged (and sometimes you just need that help).

Reading is recommended but not always necessary (except for looking up things specific to the assignments, but that doesn't require reading the whole chapter), there are programming assignments almost weekly, two quizzes, a midterm, and a final.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Computer Science

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Top Professors - Computer Science

1. David Krumme (1.6)
2. Sarah Frisken (1.6)
3. Alva Couch (1.27)
4. Bil Lewis (1.1)
5. Carla Brodley (0.85)
6. Judith Stafford (0.68)
7. Roni Khardon (0.6)
8. Anselm Blumer (0.1)

Instructor rating avg: 4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.8 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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