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Tufts University: Kenneth Lang - Astronomy - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Kenneth Lang | AST010 - WANDERERS SPACE-EXP & DISC| Astronomy2005-01-19

Did crappy on the midterm because I went to one class before it. So I got in gear and started going to class, and astonishingly enough, I found out I liked astronomy.
Professor Lang is pretty far out, but he?s brilliant, sounds a little like Hary Karey and is sure to please.

I'd suggest actually doing the reading. I read the entire text the night before the final and aced it.


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Top Professors - Astronomy

1. Kenneth Lang (1.53)
2. Esther Zirbel (0.8)
3. Rosanne Di Stefano (0.22)

Instructor rating avg: 2.8 out of 5
Course rating avg: 2.6 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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