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Tufts University: Janet Zeller - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Janet Zeller | CD090 - EXCEPTIONAL CHILD | Child Development2005-05-16

Professor Zeller is the most unorganized teacher I have ever had. She talks in tangents, doesn?t approve of other viewpoints, and teaches solely on what she knows from her lifetime. It is a very easy grade, as the readings are not required but, and there is one test, one observation paper, and a presentation. She grades fairly easily, but make sure not to miss a class or contradict her. I didn?t enjoy the class although it was fun at times.


professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Janet Zeller - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Janet Zeller | CD090 - EXCEPTIONAL CHILD | Child Development2004-04-25

This is an amazing class and makes you think about everything in a completely new way. Out of any class I've taken at Tufts this is the first that has really changed my perception about the world. The professor shows some great movies, brings in interesting guest speakers, and there is plenty of room for questions and discussion.

However, the class is extremely disorganized. You don't actually learn that much specific information, but rather each class is more at the mercy of where the discussion goes. My notes from this class consist of a couple key phrases or interesting things to think about and then a lot of doodles. hehe, that's a funny word. Sorry. Janet is extremely extremely passionate and knowledgeable about the subject and knows exactly what she's talking about. She is loud, blunt, hilarious, and can be extremely intimidating. Do not take this class if you want structure or if you scare easily. Janet can be very intolerant of views other than her own.

All in all, I think it's an important class to take.

You don't really have to do any reading if you don't want to. It doesn't matter at all. But the books you're supposed to read are REALLY REALLY excellent books and I would have wanted to read them on my own anyways. There are only two assignments due at the end which aren't that hard.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Child Development

1. Richard Lerner (2.15)
2. Marina Bers (2.15)
3. W. George Scarlett (2.15)
4. David Elkind (1.55)
5. Donald Wertlieb (1.48)
6. Kathleen Camara (1.15)
7. David Henry Feldman (0.82)
8. Maryanne Wolf (0.65)
9. Ellen Pinderhughes (0.4)
10. Janet Zeller (0.15)
11. Jayanthi Mistry (-1.35)

Instructor rating avg: 3.9 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.8 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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