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Tufts University: Alva Couch - Computer Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Alva Couch | COMP015 - DATA STRUCTURES| Computer Science2005-12-13

Excellent teacher; incredibly bright.

[NOTE: While I don't know if Couch is still teaching COMP15, this review is NOT course-specific.]

Prof. Couch is, overall, an absolutely excellent teacher. The one warning I'd give is that he does have a very strong personality -- while 95% of the students I've talked to really like him as a teacher, the remaining 5% tend to have extreme personality conflicts & end up loathing him. This is the only reason I give him an A-.

He's an amazing lecturer, with energy, verve, and wit. There is an occasional exception: sometimes he'll lecture while he's at a computer, typing notes & examples as he goes along (displayed on an overhead projector). I feel that his otherwise incredible lecturing style suffers greatly when he's using this approach; however, it is undeniable that the notes & examples produced are very useful to have online as a reference.

He's extremely bright, and could probably be earning a truckload of cash in industry if he wanted to, but he's teaching instead.

He works hard on classes, and acted as unpaid sysadmin for the departmental computers for several years. [I'm glad he doesn't still have to do that; the extra work was visibly stressful to him & probably impacted his teaching during that time....I had him as a teacher before those couple-of-years. I've been told by other students that he's back to his old self, now. :]

You can learn a lot from him, and have a good time doing it. Workload in his courses tends to be a bit above university average, but also tends to be much more interesting (assuming you like Comp Sci, that is).


How I know Prof. Couch: I took several courses from him, TAed for several of his classes, had him as my graduate advisor, and worked under him for a while after graduating.

It's been a while since I was in a course of his, which is why I don't give grades in the various categories - my recollections of such specific things may be inaccurate after this much time.


professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Computer Science

1. David Krumme (1.6)
2. Sarah Frisken (1.6)
3. Alva Couch (1.27)
4. Bil Lewis (1.1)
5. Carla Brodley (0.85)
6. Judith Stafford (0.68)
7. Roni Khardon (0.6)
8. Anselm Blumer (0.1)

Instructor rating avg: 4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.8 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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