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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Maryanne Wolf | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2006-07-22

Professor Wolf is obviously passionate about CD, but I did not care for her teaching style. It is difficult to take notes, the exams are on material that you are specifically told not to worry about, and lectures do not help much toward the tests. You have assigned seats and attendance is taken every day, so unless you want your grade to suffer, it is not an option to skip lectures or the not-very-helpful weekly recitations. The subject matter is interesting and there are some great guest lecturers, but I was happy when the course was over.

The workload really isn't bad. There are three exams, which would be extremely easy if you could be sure what to study. There is one observation paper and weekly study guide sheets to be completed for your recitation.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Undecided

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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Maryanne Wolf | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2006-07-12

She is the most enthusiastic professor I have seen so far. Even though the class is about one hundred students, she encourages class involvement. She really cares what students have to say. She even holds small group lunches where students can talk more closely with her. Unfortunately, the TA's review sessions were next to useless. Some of the material covered is really boring (the brain), but it gets better. However, I was not as passionate as many of the other students who really love children. Although the professor is great, I do not think I would take another Child Development class.

One rather long chapter a week, along with discussion questions. The book is semi-independent of the lecture topics. Try not to fall behind in the reading.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Maryanne Wolf | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2006-05-18

Professor Wolf is in short amazing, and is the main reason anyone should take this course. Even if you're not a child development major you should consider taking this intro course just because it's so friendly and the professor is amazing. she's very well respected in her field and seems to be on a first name basis with every developmentalist on the entire east coast, but despite all that she is extremely committed not only to this course but to the students. This class with Maryanne is highly recommended.

The workload is extremely doable. There are three exams in increasing worth the last of which is take home. There is otherwise no technical final. The book is 16 chapters evenly spaced over the course of the semester.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Maryanne Wolf | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2006-05-18

This class had boring lectures that start off interesting but by the end you feel like your just hearing the same stuff over again. The professor allows the TA's to determine your grade, which is horrible because after going to every lecture and recitation, the TA still did not give me full participation. I would not take this class given what i know now because of the hard work I put in, but still recieved a bad grade because of the TA.

The workload isnt bad, a chapter a week. Attendance is mandatory at recitation and lecture, but don't expect to show up and get credit, because the basis of your grade will be determined by the TA's bias opinion.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Elkind | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2005-12-03

Classes were stiff and boring, but the teacher was very knowledgeable about the material, having written his own books and theories on the stuff we were learning. It was easy and extremely tempting not to go to class, especially since his notes are on blackboard, but if you listen to him carefully in class he's actually interesting and funny. One on one he?s really helpful, and it's funny to see that he can be shy around students being such a big name but yeah the class is doable, going to lectures help, but not absolutely necessary, do the readings, which can be a lot if you don't keep up, but easy reading.

Workload was not bad at all. You had 3 exams, non cumulative, and no final and they were all very straightforward, no tricks or anything, do the reading and you're good. For the recitation sections, you had a group presentation/paper (3-5 pgs) to do which I thought was actually fun since we had to basically pick a media and relate it, in my case my group did Aladdin. The review sessions are helpful too since they highlight the things you should look over again before the test.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Child Development

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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Elkind | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2005-11-29

This was a pretty good course. Elkind is pretty boring but he knows what he is talking about and it is great to take a class from such a prestigious person. Sometimes he is a little hard to understand but he is still a very good teacher.

The tests were really easy and the workload is pretty light.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Maryanne Wolf | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2005-11-11

Prof. Wolff clearly cares about the subject. If you are interested in child development it is a great class.

You need to read the textbook, but there is only one and it is reviewed during the recitations. The final project requires some creativity but is definitely doable.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Child Development

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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Elkind | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2005-06-03

Prof. Elkind is incredibly experienced, knowledgeable, and caring. He is not a very dynamic speaker, but if you listen through the lectures you will realize that he has invaluable information to impart. I would certainly recommend taking a CD class from Prof. E., given his tremendous work in the field. He is very available outside of class, although you probably won't need his help, as the course is quite straight-forward.

Prof. E. makes not attempt to trick you - exams are straight-forward, and the class average usually winds up being quite high. You also have to do projects for your TA, which can be fun, but also can be a bit more frustrating if the TA doesn't know what she or he is doing.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Elkind | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2005-03-14

Professor Elkind is a brilliant man. He has worked closely with the theorists you read about in the textbook which is pretty cool. He knows his stuff. The lectures are all over the place, but he gives good example illustrating things you read about. It helps when trying to remember it during the test. The tests were fair and he posts all notes on blackboard so if you miss a lecture, it's not a big deal

Reading was a bit much but really useful. Only 3 tests (non cumulative) one paper and one presentation. Definitely do-able.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: CD001 - Intro to Child Development - Child Development - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Elkind | CD001 - Intro to Child Development | Child Development2005-02-28

Professor Elkind is a very kind person who loves his job. Although he seems to be all over the place in lectures, he posts all of his notes on Blackboard so students can look them over. The recitation is very helpful in reviewing information. There is not much class involvement during lectures, but Prof. Elkind makes a great effort to meet with everyone in the class over lunch, which helps to personalize the class a little better. This class makes you want to continue studying child development, and is a great starting point.

Reading was a little time-consuming, but the textbook was very useful, and most information on the exams came from the reading. There were 3 exams (including a non-cumulative final), a 5-page paper, an oral presentation during recitation, and a short writing assignment about a classroom observation.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Child Development

1. Richard Lerner (2.15)
2. Marina Bers (2.15)
3. W. George Scarlett (2.15)
4. David Elkind (1.55)
5. Donald Wertlieb (1.48)
6. Kathleen Camara (1.15)
7. David Henry Feldman (0.82)
8. Maryanne Wolf (0.65)
9. Ellen Pinderhughes (0.4)
10. Janet Zeller (0.15)
11. Jayanthi Mistry (-1.35)

Instructor rating avg: 3.9 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.8 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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