Tufts University: Carolyn Cohen - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
The material you learn for this course is engaging and extremely interesting (how could drugs not be?). Do not be fooled into thinking this class consists of memorizing psychoactive pharmaceutical compounds; it consists almost entirely of learning about "recreational" drugs cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, MDMA the list goes on. The instructor is quite simply hilarious infusing endless anecdotes and great humour into every lecture.
The workload is very light. The book is an easy read while still being very interesting and informative. There are three multiple choice exams with an optional make up as the final. While the exams are in themselves easy, Dr. Cohen writes them herself and will be hard pressed to acknowledge the vagueness and incorrectness of some of her questions. Nb: no lecture ever goes to three hours, but simmers out after about 2.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with Carolyn Cohen - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: Carolyn Cohen - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
This three hour lecture on Wednesday afternoons never actually lasted three hours - try two. Within those two hours, I think Prof. Cohen looked at her notes twice per class period - she has her stuff down cold. She has researched different books for the class, and teaches pretty much what she wants to (I might wait to invest in a book). She presents the material in a lighthearted manner and relates excellently to the class, and considering there were about thirty of us in a horrible, large room, I give her props. This lecture always went by fairly quickly, this due in large part to the material being presented. As for her accessibility, I never tried, but I was advised on many occasions that attempting to email her was a waste of time, in addition to the fact that she teaches at like eight other places - good luck finding her outside of class.
The majority of the material on the tests were covered in class - a slight overview of the text helps out a bit, but certainly not a lot of work needed.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with Carolyn Cohen - help your classmates make informed decisions!