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Tufts University: FR032A - Readings in French Literature II - French - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Gerard Gasarian | FR032A - Readings in French Literature II | French2005-04-27

Professor Gasarian is one of the most unique and best professors that I have had. He is extremely bright and adds a wealth of insight to the class discussion. At the same time, he respects each individual's views and ties them in very well to the main themes of the readings. He has a goods sense of humor and doesn't put too much weight on participation, although it still is important. He is enthusiastic about the material, and is available out of class (although he won't speak English to you!)

This is one of the few classes that I have taken at Tufts where the workload is actually perfectly reasonable. There is a good amount of reading but nothing that will take you more than 1-2 hours (per class). The readings can be tough and there's a lot of difficult vocabulary (especially with the poetry) but a lot is explained in class and it's not like you need to know everything. There are three compositions for the semester with relatively open topics, 2 mandatory presentations that you must do on the reading (they're relatively informal, just pick an aspect of the reading that will promote class discussion), and a written final exam on the last book that you read. Very reasonable.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: French

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Tufts University: FR032A - Readings in French Literature II - French - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Gerard Gasarian | FR032A - Readings in French Literature II | French2005-04-06

Professor Gasarian is one of the best Tufts professors I've had. He is very easy to understand, and is realistic in his expectations from students. He has a great sense of humor which makes class interesting. The books he chose were very interesting and he seems to just love teaching. Class involvement is encouraged but not demanded. I would definitely take another class with him.

Reasonable amounts of reading - increases as the semester goes on, but most assignments can be done in 1 - 2 hours. We also had 3-4 papers to write over the semester and the length starts at 2 pages and increases over the semester, 2 oral presentations and I believe there is a final exam.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Child Development

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Tufts University: FR032A - Readings in French Literature II - French - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Eglal Henein | FR032A - Readings in French Literature II | French2004-07-13

This is the best French professor I have had! Normally I found that French professors were somewhat rude and impatient. But contrary to the norm, Eglal is by far the most fair, encouraging, and helpful French professor at Tufts (well, I've only had 3..). Her approach to literary analysis is open and encourages fresh ideas and interpretations.

There is a good deal of work involved in this class. Several books are read through the semester, with a paper on almost all of them. She encourages outside research on the papers, so that is added work. But it's all worth it in the end, as your grade reflects the amount of work you do.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: FR032A - Readings in French Literature II - French - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Eglal Henein | FR032A - Readings in French Literature II | French2004-07-12

No one taking French courses in Tufts should pass through without taking Eglal. This woman knows what she's doing. Her approach to students is excellent. She encourages office hours and they are very helpful. If you like Blackboard and receiving emails from your professor, this class is for you. She's very enthusiastic and makes you get involved in different angles in a way you will find both interesting and helpful for your development not only in French but also as an overall student who has to write essays on a daily basis especially because of her approach on analyzing literature and the importance of research related to it. Besides, she's a great person and even took the class to her place for dinner!

You have to be prepared for in class discussions of the texts assigned, but it's not bad. Your grade is mostly based on "dissertations" (three of them), the rest is split between an oral presentation and class participation. The grading is fair.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - French

1. Anne Taieb (2.05)
2. Isabelle Naginski (2.05)
3. David Pauling (2.05)
4. Saliha Ziane (1.72)
5. Gerard Gasarian (1.55)
6. Vincent Pollina (1.55)
7. Eglal Henein (1.36)
8. Ellen Detwiller (1.35)
9. Kerri Conditto (1.3)
10. Anne Christine Rice (1.22)
11. Agnes Trichard-Arany (1.05)
12. John Julian (1.05)
13. Brigitte Lane (0.74)
14. Annie Geoghegan (-0.38)

Instructor rating avg: 4.1 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.8 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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