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Tufts University: PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty - Philosophy - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Erin Kelly | PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty | Philosophy2005-04-05

This was one of my favorite classes b/c it helped me make sense of my own philosophical/political views. In class, mostly Prof. Kelly lectures and writes a few notes on the board. The lectures help clarify and summarize the dense reading. A few times she asks for students? viewpoints or a student will ask a question. Most of your interaction would be w/ your TA in recitations.

Optional Writing Workshop: Take this for more interaction w/ the Prof. and to have classmates peer review your rough drafts for class papers (which means finishing a rough draft the weekend before the paper is due). You?re given a marble notebook (free), in which you write answers to questions Kelly poses at the beginning of almost each workshop. Then, there's a discussion. Kelly also gives general some writing tips.

Mostly reading (dense but interesting), 3 5-pg papers, and a closed book final exam (ID court cases and short essays. Study guide has 5 essay questions, 2 of which are on the exam).

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Political Science

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Tufts University: PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty - Philosophy - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Erin Kelly | PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty | Philosophy2005-01-18

Professor was great! Interesting and passionate about her work. In the beginning, her lecture style was boring but once you got used to her, she became interesting. Very open to constructive criticism as well. Enjoyed the class and the TAs were all exciting people who were also passionate about the topic. Professor Kelly also worked to stimulate class discussion. Very interesting! There would often be "class drama" where one student might even contradict the professor.. DRAMA...

Not too crazy. Three papers which were easily graded, depending on the TA you had. Also - a final exam which was based upon court cases and other various readings you had. The reading was all interesting and crucial to the work which we did.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty - Philosophy - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Erin Kelly | PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty | Philosophy2005-01-15

Professor Kelly is very enthusiastic about this class. She comes to class very prepared and expects that you have done the readings for class. It is very hard to follow without doing the readings. But you can get by. Topics focus on philosophers such as Bentham, Mill, Nozick, Rawls and others. Go to the Rawls lectures because she is a former student of his. Recitation every week where you debate/clarify readings. Participation is key to getting noticed by Professor Kelly, she wants people to voice their approval/unhappiness/grudges against the philosophers. This makes class go by quicker, as well as it will help with your final grade.

Roughly an hour of reading per class. 3 papers, and a final all 25% each. If you do the readings and go to class, you are very prepared for the assignments/final. If you've never taken philosophy (like me), then see the professor or TA with a draft of your first paper because it is a different style of writing and you will be penalized for not providing counter-arguments. Very easy to get a B range grade, if you put in the effort and really participate and read, I envision it wouldn't be so tough to get an A.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty - Philosophy - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Erin Kelly | PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty | Philosophy2004-12-18

Professor Kelly was an interesting and thoughtful lecturer, who was very knowledgeable about the subject -- in fact, she was the editor for the philosophy text most used in class. She related readings well to what was taught in class. Overall a great professor highly recommended.

Not much work, and the work that was assigned was very useful for paper assignments.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty - Philosophy - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Denby | PHIL043 - Justice, Equality & Liberty | Philosophy2004-04-21

David Denby is a wonderful professor. He is always very well prepared and is very good at conveying ideas and concepts to students. I would highly recommend him.

The work is not overbearing, but it does exist. All of the assignments were well suited to the course.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Philosophy

1. George Smith (1.8)
2. Nancy Bauer (1.68)
3. David Denby (1.47)
4. Susan Russinoff (1.4)
5. Anthony Newman (1.3)
6. Daniel Dennett (1.3)
7. Mark Richard (1.3)
8. Erin Kelly (0.93)
9. Jeff McConnell (0.7)
10. Peter Lupu (0.37)
11. Montgomery Link (0.3)
12. Gary Lupu (-2.2)

Instructor rating avg: 4.2 out of 5
Course rating avg: 4.2 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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