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Tufts University: Albert Robbat Jr. - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Albert Robbat Jr. | CHEM001 - Chemical Fundamentals | Chemistry2006-04-22

Prof. Robbat is the absolute worst professor I have ever taken a class with. He clearly did not want to be teaching introductory chem. His grading is completely subjective based on things like "attendance" and "participation" but what he really means is he'll bump up your grade if he likes you. His lectures are entirely based on powerpoint and we never went over how to do a single problem in class. He claims to want to see you at office hours but is condescending and unhelpful outside the classroom as well. His tests range in difficulty, but he picks out obscure questions that don't test your knowledge and even had essay questions on the final. NEVER take a course with this professor if is at all possible, you might as well just buy the textbook and teach yourself.

The problem sets were written by the TAs and were incredibly easy. He assigns massive amounts of reading which actually should be done because his tests are very conceptual.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

review a class you took with Albert Robbat Jr. - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Albert Robbat Jr. - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Albert Robbat Jr. | CHEM001 - Chemical Fundamentals | Chemistry2006-01-02

While Professor Robbat seems to know much of the information in the course, he has absolutely no skill at communicating it to the class; I found it fairly useless to attend class at all but did so because of his occasional "attendance quizzes." After he stressed how much he wanted to see us outside of class, I sought him after class one time and felt as though he were insulted to see me in his office. But perhaps the one issue from the course that irritated me the most was the obscurity of test questions- the randomness of the anticipated answers was uncanny...

Said simply, if one knew what to expect on tests, the workload was not very difficult at all (lab took time but was not difficult). However, again, the randomness of tests left students with a boatload of information from which to pick what to study.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

review a class you took with Albert Robbat Jr. - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Albert Robbat Jr. - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Albert Robbat Jr. | CHEM001 - Chemical Fundamentals | Chemistry2005-12-22

Prof. Robbat is the worst professor I have ever encountered at Tufts. He clearly did not want to be teaching this course and he was deliberately unhelpful to his students. He tried to relate the course material to mass spectrometry, his specialty, all the time even though it was completely irrelevant. He would flip through slides and simply say "you should know this." Do not take a course with him if at all possible, unless you want to spend hours teaching yourself chemistry.

Lots of reading that would usually not be necessary to do, but in order to learn any of the concepts you had to read. Problems sets were on material not yet covered in class, but weren't too difficult.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

review a class you took with Albert Robbat Jr. - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Albert Robbat Jr. - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Albert Robbat Jr. | CHEM001 - Chemical Fundamentals | Chemistry2005-12-21

Not concerned with student's progress, absolutely zero enthusiasm for the course. You could tell how unbelievably bored this guy was through the tone of his voice - excruciatingly monotonous. Never, ever take a class with this guy.

Ridiculous amounts of weekly reading. So much homework that the professor told us to "attempt at least all of the odd-numbered questions." Problem sets are on material to be covered in the following week's lecture. Tests stray far from the course material into subject areas completely untouched in reading and lecture.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Undecided

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Top Professors - Chemistry

1. Krishna Kumar (2.46)
2. Robert Dewald (1.96)
3. Marc D'Alarcao (1.75)
4. David Lee (1.63)
5. Elena Rybak-Akimova (1.25)
6. Samuel Kounaves (0.75)
7. Jonathan Kenny (0.65)
8. Christopher Morse (0.63)
9. Terry Haas (0.25)
10. Rachael Kipp (0.05)
11. Robert Stolow (-0.75)
12. Albert Robbat Jr. (-1.13)
13. Mary Jane Shultz (-1.25)

Instructor rating avg: 3.3 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.2 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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