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Tufts University: Angela Kachuyevski - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Angela Kachuyevski | PS156 - Russian/Soviet Foreign Policy | Political Science2004-11-11

Professor Kachuyevski's class was like a breath of fresh air. If you want an interesting PS class, take this one! She's fresh out of grad school, but really knows her stuff (esp. about Russia) without any arrogance typically associated with grad school students. The reading is interesting, and her lectures are quite good. She tries to encourage discussion, but usually it was the same five people talking. The group projects make up for this, however. She is fairly easy to contact, especially by email. She also is concerned with the students? progress. It helps to know IR theory for this class, but she makes sure that those who've not taken IR classes understand the necessary theory. She also takes time to meet with every group before they do their group project to make sure that they're on the right track.

The work load was not too bad. There was reading every week, usually from two books. But the books usually repeated each other so you could get away with only reading one. there is a 15 page research paper, which is broken up into the proposal, the outline, and then the final paper which forces you to not leave it to the last minute, which is good. The group project is interesting and pretty fun. There is a final (no midterm), which is take-home and has three essay questions, one of which you have to answer.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Political Science

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2. Georges Prevelakis (2.05)
3. Alan Solomont (2.05)
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5. Vickie Sullivan (1.55)
6. Pearl Robinson (1.55)
7. Angela Kachuyevski (1.55)
8. Ronnie Olesker (1.55)
9. Tony Smith (1.55)
10. Deborah Schildkraut (1.51)
11. James Glaser (1.41)
12. Robert Devigne (1.23)
13. Kent Portney (1.22)
14. Michael Goldman (1.05)
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16. Kerry Chase (0.97)
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21. Jeffrey Taliaferro (0.64)
22. Shinju Fujihira (0.43)
23. Marilyn Glater (-1.37)

Instructor rating avg: 4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.9 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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