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Tufts University: Shinju Fujihira - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Shinju Fujihira | PS021 - Intro to Comparative Politics | Political Science2006-05-15

I got the most out of the readings in this class. The readings are probably about 50-75 pages a week and they are all from pdf files so you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on books. He isn't a very good lecturer though he is a very intelligent man. His powerpoints are up on the website but most of the important stuff is what he says outloud in lecture, so I wouldn't miss them.

50-75 pages a week. One research paper. Midterm and a final. Weekly recitations are a joke.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

review a class you took with Shinju Fujihira - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Shinju Fujihira - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Shinju Fujihira | PS021 - Intro to Comparative Politics | Political Science2005-12-06

It's true: yes, the lecture can be a bit boring at times, but I did learn a lot and Professor Fujihira is hilarious. He's a really funny guy - his jokes lighten the class up. In addition, he really takes interest in answering any and all questions even though he often doesn't know the specific answer and says he has to look it up. He also makes a great effort to get to know all of our names. All together a great intro course.

I thought the reading was really difficult at first, considering that I am a freshman. The way i planned it out, I had an article to read five nights a week. It's possible to not read, but it makes the paper very difficult. There is a midterm and a final examination and a paper. You really have to keep up with the reading to be able to write a competent paper.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

review a class you took with Shinju Fujihira - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Shinju Fujihira - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Shinju Fujihira | PS021 - Intro to Comparative Politics | Political Science2005-01-15

Professor Fujihira is a very intelligent man, but sometimes his lectures were incredibly boring, though at times he could also be very engaging. His voice is very loud and booming, and is in fact startling at first, but at least it keeps you from falling asleep (sometimes.) He is very kind, but sometimes he took too much time away from his lectures to answer questions from the class, questions it seemed like people were only asking to sound intelligent. His answers were usually always muddled and filled with "ums" or I don't knows. The class was always behind 1-2 lectures. If you like PS I'm sure the class would be appealing, but unless you really love the subject matter the class is nothing great. The TA is very nice but the recitations I found to be almost entirely pointless, they did not really help summarize the readings at all. Also the Professor doesn't seem to do any grading of essays at all himself, a little disappointing that he leaves it all to the somewhat befuddled T.A

Not an insane amount of work. There are usually 3-4 reading assignments a week, which are mostly long articles from journals, etc. Be careful not to fall too far behind in the reading, it can creep up on you, although you can BS your way through without some of it. There was a midterm that was pretty tough, one paper, and a final. He gives you the questions that will be on the test, so if you prepare (which is difficult and tedious) you can do well.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Shinju Fujihira - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Shinju Fujihira | PS131 - Democracy and Capitalism in Japan | Political Science2004-04-10

The class itself is discussion based, with a very organized lecture. There is an outline handed out with each lecture so you can follow along and take notes either on your own or on the handout. Professor Fujihira makes sure everyone understands what is going on and does a good job captivating the audience: he has a pretty booming and intense voice too.

There are 150-200 pages of reading for each week (And there are only 2 classes a week)...There are two mid term papers...both are take home. My first mid term was 18 pages long though, so it is pretty intense stuff. On the other hand, the assignments are straightforward, so if you do you work and try your best you can get a B+ or above.
There is also a journal but that is only half a page per week.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Shinju Fujihira - help your classmates make informed decisions!
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1. Chris Hasselmann (2.05)
2. Georges Prevelakis (2.05)
3. Alan Solomont (2.05)
4. Mary Fitzgerald (2.05)
5. Vickie Sullivan (1.55)
6. Pearl Robinson (1.55)
7. Angela Kachuyevski (1.55)
8. Ronnie Olesker (1.55)
9. Tony Smith (1.55)
10. Deborah Schildkraut (1.51)
11. James Glaser (1.41)
12. Robert Devigne (1.23)
13. Kent Portney (1.22)
14. Michael Goldman (1.05)
15. Richard Eichenberg (1.01)
16. Kerry Chase (0.97)
17. Malik Mufti (0.85)
18. Consuelo Cruz (0.76)
19. Jeffrey Berry (0.76)
20. Gary McKissick (0.67)
21. Jeffrey Taliaferro (0.64)
22. Shinju Fujihira (0.43)
23. Marilyn Glater (-1.37)

Instructor rating avg: 4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.9 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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