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Tufts University: Paul Joseph - Sociology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Paul Joseph | PJS120 - Sociology of War and Peace | Sociology2005-08-31

The class was a round table format and every class consists of a discussion designed to be an advanced seminar version of Soc 120 (so having taken that is highly recommended). The first half of the course involved readings and then discussion of readings, and the second half involves everyone making a presentation of around 20 minutes and then discussion the presentation.

Overall, I enjoyed the course. The subject matter is very relevant and the readings were interesting. I would have shortened the individual presentations and extended the reading assignments because the subject material starts to become very dispersed. Also, sometimes it took a while for discussions to get started but I guess that depends on who is in your class. I like professor Joseph; he's always willing to spend extra time with you outside of class and knows his stuff. Also, it's fun to hear stories from his wild and crazy Berkeley protesting days.

Every week had lots of reading, sometimes an entire book. A long presentation is required of each person in the second half of the course, and then a final paper based on the same subject of between 20 and 25 pages. And you'd better do well on the final paper because it's most of the grade. It could be worse, after all, some seminars require 40 page papers (but usually no presentation).

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: Paul Joseph - Sociology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Paul Joseph | PJS120 - Sociology of War and Peace | Sociology2005-01-15

This is an amazing class simply because Professor Joseph loves this subject. The class is very interactive and he wants people to voice their opinions and will often sit back while students present opposing views. There is always material to talk about, and as long as the US is at war right now, it makes each class relevant. The syllabus of lectures is not always followed, so expect some discussions to continue over multiple classes. He is very open to others ideas and the best way for you to get noticed is to speak up once in a while. Don't try to dominate discussions, but speak when you feel inclined. Not very hard class, take home midterm and final. Put the effort in and you will do well. Do all the work, and you will be rewarded. One of the more interesting classes at Tufts.

He assigns a lot of reading, although the discussions aren't always about the reading. He'll tell you when he expects the reading done. 2 assignments, a take home midterm and an in class or take home final, 10-12 pages for take home exams. Midterm is a photo-essay (I did this) or a reading based writing assignment. Final is take home, 2 5-6 page assignments based on readings. In class final is the same thing, but you prepare for 3 questions and he gives you two. When doing the assignments/taking the exams, demonstrate your knowledge of the reading. That's all that interests him. The more authors/material you bring in, the better your grade will be.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Sociology

1. Henry Rubin (2.55)
2. Jeff Langstraat (2.35)
3. Sarah Sobieraj (2.15)
4. Paul Joseph (2.05)
5. John Conklin (0.72)
6. Susan Ostrander (0.3)
7. Rosemary Taylor (0.22)
8. Matthew Gregory (-0.08)
9. Paula Aymer (-1.28)

Instructor rating avg: 3.4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.5 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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