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Tufts University: Paula Aymer - Sociology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Paula Aymer | SOC020 - Family and Intimate Relations | Sociology2006-02-07

IMHO Paula Aymer is the best argument against affirmative action. A white male who was as dim as she is would never have been able to advance socially to the position of department head. She is intolerant of alternate views, even though she is not quite articulate enough to explain why her views are correct. Nevertheless, if you dare question her in or out of class, your grades on all subsequent assignments will reflect this. Avoid her like the plague.

Not much some reading etc.. which means that little is learned.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: Paula Aymer - Sociology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Paula Aymer | SOC020 - Family and Intimate Relations | Sociology2006-01-09

I agree with the previous reviewer who said that Aymer lacked all respect for the intelligence of her students. If you have the audacity to disagree with her in class, she will "grade" you accordingly. She is 100% intolerant of ideas that differ from her idiotic brand of pseudo-liberal whitewashed illogical thoughts (this is coming from a registered democrat). She will not make grading criteria or expectations clear from the onset and is patronizing and dismissive when this is brought to her attention.

Aside from her atrocious personality, in my opinion, she assigns readings that describe studies that are so poorly done that reading them made me dumber which led me to believe that she doesn't know the basics of population studies.

In short, this woman is unfair and illogical. I think she is the worst professor at Tufts.

Not a lot of work but readings were of poorly done studies and not always relevant. Grading was illogical and unpredictable.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Sociology

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Tufts University: Paula Aymer - Sociology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Paula Aymer | SOC020 - Family and Intimate Relations | Sociology2005-06-02

While the material for this course was extremely interesting and quite compelling, Professor Aymer managed to make it my least favorite class of the semester. Never before have I encountered a professor with less respect for the intelligence and sheer humanity of her students. She refuses to accept anything as her own fault, but instead blames all misunderstandings or potential failures completely on the students. Furthermore, in my opinion, her lectures are extremely slow-paced and relatively unstructured, making it difficult to follow. All in all, the course material was good, but this professor ruined the course itself.

Relatively normal for Tufts, though the dates and instructions for assignments, both in and out of class, were often unclear (and emailing to professor only resulted in the receipt of insulting emails, rather than helpful clarifications).

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Top Professors - Sociology

1. Henry Rubin (2.55)
2. Jeff Langstraat (2.35)
3. Sarah Sobieraj (2.15)
4. Paul Joseph (2.05)
5. John Conklin (0.72)
6. Susan Ostrander (0.3)
7. Rosemary Taylor (0.22)
8. Matthew Gregory (-0.08)
9. Paula Aymer (-1.28)

Instructor rating avg: 3.4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.5 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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