Tufts University: CHEM171 - BIOCHEMISTRY I - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Whoever wrote that awful review of Prof. d'Alarcao must certainly have done poorly in the class and has misplaced blame. Prof. d'Alarcao is my favorite professor here at Tufts. He is a very dynamic and interesting lecturer and frequently breaks up the monotony with a joke or interesting aside. His lectures are very concise, comprehensive, and clear. He is very helpful in his office and answers any and all questions with enthusiasm.
The workload is heavy around exam times and there is a lot of material to learn, but the exams are straightforward and based primarily on things that were covered and stressed in lecture.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: Chemistry |
review a class you took with Marc D'Alarcao - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: CHEM171 - BIOCHEMISTRY I - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
D'Alarcao is an interesting informative lecturer who gives difficult but straightforward exams. He is happy to answer any questions in his office, and if you keep up with psets (not handed in) you should be fine.
None. Just studying for tests, optional psets and reading. Work is minimal except for the weeks prior to exams.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology |
review a class you took with Marc D'Alarcao - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: CHEM171 - BIOCHEMISTRY I - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
This is a very dry class with lots of rote memorization involved. However, the professors assigned very little homework, but administered very demanding examinations. We were always left guessing what exactly was expected of us. Even after asking the professors point-blank, their answers were indefinite and elusive. I would suggest attending another University to take this class.
(Also taught by: Prof. Krishna Kumar)
What work? Besides committing your notes to memory, expect to do 2 to 5 brief homework problems a week. If you want more problems or practice tests, the professors will probably "be unable to help you."
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with Marc D'Alarcao - help your classmates make informed decisions!