Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
I really have to disagree with some of the previous statements about TAs and recitation sections. The TAs in Fall 05 at least were really hardworking and very understanding of our workloads in other classes. My recitation section with my TA was great because there was always lively discussion about a relevant topic or some activity that applied the topics to something tangible. Some of my friends in other sections didn't like their groups so I guess it depends on how lively the section is. And you'll get out of it what you put in. btw, I heard that Prof. Schildkraut is very picky about her TAs and that she only picks the best ones -- but of course they can vary in quality from year to year.
It helps to have an understanding of the basic mechanics of American government (like what the three branches do, simple stuff like that). Even though it's an intro class, it gets into some topics you may not be used to pretty quickly. Be prepared to read considerably and take notes because the readings will come back on the tests. Grading is a little on the tough side, but if you put in a decent amount of effort and you are a good writer, you should be able to get an A- no problem. And contrary to everyone else's opinion, the stuff you go over in recitation sections are helpful on the test -- and do you really want to be in an informal lecture for three days instead of two?
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Professor Fitzgeral was an engaging lecturer considering most of the content for the class was what students had learned in AP government in High School. Professor was easily accesible outside of class and very interested in helping students to understand all the material and particularly in helping students with their final papers
Several quizzes that weren't worth very much. 2 exams that were very detailed, but also very fair. 1 paper that she graded pretty hard, but was not that difficult to write. Reading was about 2 text book chapters per week plus some additional readings.
review a class you took with Mary Fitzgerald - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
For a political science professor, she does a great job of keeping her opinions out of class. Doesn't have the charisma of some other professors in this department, but knows her subject well and is very clear and organized. TAs were not that helpful, and seemed to lack the professor's dedication.
Not a lot of reading. Grades are based on a midterm and final exam, as well as two papers: a short (4-5) one, and a long (10-12) one. Graded fairly, but not thoroughly.
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Professor Schildkraut certainly knows her stuff, and she does a good job of presenting it. The class is a massive lecture, so it can be a bit dull even though she tries to encourage student participation. I know a lot about the American political system but I still managed to learn something. Overall a good class if you're in any way interested in American politics.
Pretty easy. Maybe 30-75 pages a week, 2 papers, midterm, final.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
This class was a bit disappointing. I enrolled thinking I wanted to minor in Political Science and now I am never taking another political science class again. Schildkraut is extremely nice, easy to approach, available outside of class and gives clear lectures but the class is ridiculously dull. If you have any knowledge of politics before taking the class you will not learn much. The textbook is clear and written for eight graders. The material is not challenging in the slightest and the mandatory recitations are a complete waste of time.
Average amount of work. Approximately 50 pages of reading a week. 2 papers (one 4-5 and one 10-12 pages). Midterm and Final.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics |
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Professor Schildkraut is a fantastic professor-- she is obviously very knowledgeable and interested in the material, and is happy to answer any questions students may have. Even though the class has more than 200 students in it, she makes it extremely easy and comfortable to ask questions and raise points in class. She involves the students and is approachable and always easy to contact. If you get the chance to take a class with her, I highly recommend you do so.
That depends-- do you plan on doing all the reading? Of course you should do the reading, but I should make known that I read exactly four pages of assigned reading total and still managed to do very well in the class. If you go in with a knowledge and an interest in politics and government, you really shouldnt have a problem. Don't assume the class is a breeze, but if youre interested in the material you shouldn't have any problems.
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
I took this AND his southern politics class. I love his style in a lecture, and I think he makes it interesting. Grading is relative and sometimes feels harsh, but that's true in all poli sci classes. Beware him in person, though. You feel like you know him and like he knows you, but that's not true- he just exudes the feeling like a good politician. If you get nervous around people who you suspect aren't being sincere, don't go to him for advice, visit a TA instead.
review a class you took with James Glaser - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Professor Schildkraut is a fantastic instructor. As a Tufts graduate and young instructor she can easily relate to her students. The lectures are pretty interesting. There really isn't a lot of emphasis on the mechanics of American Government; the emphasis is on theory and Grading can be a little tough at times, but a good effort and moderate adherence to the readings will easily get at least a B. The lecture is large but the Friday class of each week is a recitation with a TA. My TA Tom was really funny and made what would have been a waste of a Friday afternoon pretty entertaining. He even took us on a field trip to the State House.
A few readings per week, but they are all reasonable in length. Two papers and two exams. Just enough work to feel educated without being overwhelmed.
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Professor Schildkraut's Intro to American Politics is an excellent course led by a great instructor. Each class evolves around a clear and concise outline that makes the class fly by.
Midterm and final, as well as a 10-15 page research paper.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Very engaging and interesting professor. Despite the course material being a review of material from AP classes in high school, he managed to make it informative and engaging, bringing forth new points that I hadn't considered before. It's a shame that he is a Dean now and no longer teaching this class as he was a real teaching asset to the Tufts Community.
Workload was relatively light reading with a few short papers as well as a midterm and a final.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with James Glaser - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Professor Schildkraut is enthusiastic and very approachable. A Tufts grad herself, she is young, vibrant, and promptly answered e-mails. Although the class was a bit tedious, especially in the first few weeks, it really picked up toward the end and covered a wide variety of issues. Every student should be able to find something of interest in the course. It is easy to tailor papers to address one's one area of interest. Schildkraut often e-mails relevant articles to students, enriching class discussion. The TA's are also very helpful and understanding.
Pretty minimal - about 100 pages every week that could be skimmed for the most part, readings on reserve that were never necessary, short paper and a 10-pager. The midterm and final were very easy and required little studying.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
I really loved this class. Professor seemed really interested in both the subject and the students. She really tried to make the class interesting, and for the most part, it was. I would definitely recommend this class and professor to anyone.
There are definitely reading assignments, but nothing overwhelming, very straightforward assignments, approachable professor, not too much work.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Fun and lively professor who cared very much about student progress. Lectures were simple, but interesting, and the material covered was very relevant to assignments and tests. Huge class, but the professor really tried to get to know people, was very approachable, and generally a great person. Would highly recommend both the class and the teacher.
Minimal work, a paper, a midterm and a final.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with Deborah Schildkraut - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
The class was, to put it frankly, blah. Glaser was always late to class, and always went over with time. His lectures were very unstructured, making it very difficult to take any notes of any kind. I think it?s because he is busy, with his new position as dean. Also, the TAs were unhelpful and rude. I e-mailed my TA asking to meet to discuss my final paper, and he blew me off completely, and said he needed at least four or five days advance notice before he could meet with a student.
There are two tests, and two 4-5 page papers. I was able to scrunch out a B+, despite the fact that my TA gave me crappy grades on papers, but I gained it back on the tests (which were not that challenging).
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with James Glaser - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Every college freshman should take this class. I learned so much (about stuff that a college student should know about politics that I had no clue about). Loved going to lecture really interesting, but it is really hard to skip class ?cause you miss too much.
A lot of reading (if you do it all)...but manageable.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with James Glaser - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Professor Glaser reminds me of one of the fake reporters on Jon Stewart. He's so funny. He's always been available too. I'd love to take a class with him again. I don't think I would've loved this course though if he didn't teach it. It wasn't the most interesting class.
Everything was pretty fair. Midterm and non-cumulative final, 2 papers, random readings.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with James Glaser - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Glaser rocks! Take a class with him if you can!
About average...not too bad at all!!
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with James Glaser - help your classmates make informed decisions! 
Tufts University: PS011 - Intro to American Politics - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Professor Glaser is energetic and shows a great interest in the course material and students? understanding. Professor Glaser makes the 50 minutes fly by with insightful and entertaining lectures. Many students looked forward to going to class, and many thinking about majoring in political science were drawn in after taking American Politics.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
review a class you took with James Glaser - help your classmates make informed decisions!