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Tufts University: PS101 - Presidency & Executive Branch - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Jeffrey Berry | PS101 - Presidency & Executive Branch | Political Science2007-01-19

Professor Berry is one of my--if not singularly--favorite professors at Tufts. His lectures are approachable, sophisticated and informative. The books for this class, especially the more recent ones, are fantastic! Highly recommended!

The reviews below are true: if you want little BS assignments and weekly evaluations, this course is not for you. Berry doesn't hold your hand. There were two essay examinations (take home midterm and in class final), but they're broad enough to be able to show you soaked up whatever knowledge you feel like displaying. Not an easy class. Not too difficult either, but you do read several books.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Political Science

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Tufts University: PS101 - Presidency & Executive Branch - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Jeffrey Berry | PS101 - Presidency & Executive Branch | Political Science2006-03-30

Professor Berry is great. He exudes intelligence in his, for the most party witty, lectures. The class is a good combination of lecture and class discussion. It can be intimidating becuase class participation is somewhat required (students get called on) but leads for a more interesting discussion. I wouldn't leave Tufts without taking a class with Berry, he's excpetionally smart, witty, and interesting: someone worth knowing.

About a book a week, average for a PS major. Reading the books is necesary because class participation is required. A take home midterm and in class final. My only complaint is that the TA grades your work.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Political Science

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Tufts University: PS101 - Presidency & Executive Branch - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Jeffrey Berry | PS101 - Presidency & Executive Branch | Political Science2006-01-15

Professor Berry is clearly very intelligent, but he really didn't seem to care if we were learning anything. His lectures were dry and he had his TA do all the grading. The best stuff I learned was from the reading, not from lecture. It's really too bad, because the topic is really interesting, but Berry seemed so unenthusiastic about it. If you need a social science course or an American politics course for Poli sci majors, I recommend exhausting your options before you take this one.

Our class was 40% midterm, 60% final, which was another indication of how much the professor cared. You read about 7 books over the course of the semester, but there are no quizzes or anything to enforce the reading.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Political Science

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Tufts University: PS101 - Presidency & Executive Branch - Political Science - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Jeffrey Berry | PS101 - Presidency & Executive Branch | Political Science2006-01-03

This class was fine, but a waste of time. I didn't really learn anything I didn't get from a decent US history course and reading the newspaper. Berry?s alternately funny and incredibly dry and can be extremely arrogant. Not too hard, and I got an A without a huge amount of effort, but it was just a waste of everyone's time.

A take home midterm (40%) and an in-class final (60%), but questions were incredibly broad and easy to answer. There were 8 or 9 books assigned throughout the semester, but except for some pop in class writing assignments, we never really discussed them. They?re necessary for the midterm and final though.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Political Science

review a class you took with Jeffrey Berry - help your classmates make informed decisions!
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2. Georges Prevelakis (2.05)
3. Alan Solomont (2.05)
4. Mary Fitzgerald (2.05)
5. Vickie Sullivan (1.55)
6. Pearl Robinson (1.55)
7. Angela Kachuyevski (1.55)
8. Ronnie Olesker (1.55)
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11. James Glaser (1.41)
12. Robert Devigne (1.23)
13. Kent Portney (1.22)
14. Michael Goldman (1.05)
15. Richard Eichenberg (1.01)
16. Kerry Chase (0.97)
17. Malik Mufti (0.85)
18. Consuelo Cruz (0.76)
19. Jeffrey Berry (0.76)
20. Gary McKissick (0.67)
21. Jeffrey Taliaferro (0.64)
22. Shinju Fujihira (0.43)
23. Marilyn Glater (-1.37)

Instructor rating avg: 4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.9 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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