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Tufts University: SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I - Spanish - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Maria Conchita Davis | SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I | Spanish2006-07-26

Sra. Davis is such a sweet woman and really cares about her students. As the department head, she is super organized (never deviates from the schedule) and on-track. She wants everyone in the class to excel and participate. She is very enthusiastic about all the poems and concepts. Overall, I think she's a wonderful teacher and extremely available for help of any kind.

There is a lot of practice work (as any foreign language course would have), but it is not difficult. Assignments each week are quick. A few short compositions here and there, partner presentations, listenings to Spanish news reports, and straightforward and fair tests. Very manageable.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

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Tufts University: SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I - Spanish - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
James Watson | SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I | Spanish2006-05-05

Professor Watson's class was laid back and even fun at times. He's a nice guy and a good teacher, but if you want to do well in the class, you need to participate and get on his good side. There was definitely favoritism toward certain students, and he would call on them much more than others. He is a tough grader when it comes to tests and essays and is very particular about grammar. Although the class wasn't that bad, I probably wouldn't take another class with him since there are easier Spanish professors out there and only took the class as a requirement.

The workload wasn't too bad, although there was consistently some assignment due every week, which got really annoying. 3 tests, 4 essays, a few quizzes, a presentation, and other little assignments throughout the semester. The readings weren't bad. The final is an essay on the last day of class.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

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Tufts University: SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I - Spanish - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Kate Risse | SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I | Spanish2005-12-11

Yikes! For starters, I would have thought a college professor would have been better able to speak Spanish than her. She is always consulting the dictionary, and once yelled at us for not being able to find something, when really she kept telling us the wrong number, getting 60 and 70 mixed up. She also does this annoying thing where she lisps half the time, as if she can't decide if she wants a Spanish accent or not. We always work in pairs or small groups for most of class, which gets redundant and annoying.

Not too bad, but outside movie and news viewing was time consuming and annoying.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

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Tufts University: SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I - Spanish - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Kate Risse | SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I | Spanish2005-12-05

Not a great Spanish speaker, and spends a lot of time consulting the dictionary. She uses small group/paired discussion groups everyday, which is excessive. On the other hand, she is a nice person, and is quite understanding.

A fair amount of work. Out of class movies/news programs could be excessive, but reading/writing is a good amount.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

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Tufts University: SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I - Spanish - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
James Watson | SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I | Spanish2005-11-07

This class became increasing unbearable. I you are in the mood for a really corny jokes and favoritism then take this class. He picked on people and made dumb jokes, if he told me how weird my outfit was one more time I was going to scream!! He grades really randomly and basically put u on a scale that you are doomed to stay on all semester.

Pretty standard.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I - Spanish - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Juliana Berte | SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I | Spanish2005-04-12

Professor Berte seems to be a very sweet and understanding woman, a little too soft-spoken for my taste, but easy to get along with. She speaks with an Argentinean accent which can often make understanding her a bit difficult and her handwriting is god awful - make sure you pay attention as she writes on the board or you're in trouble. She's not a very difficult grader and is understanding about lateness. Classes are usually pretty well organized with good discussions.

Workload wasn't too bad, but definitely required weekly attention. 4 essays, 4 tests, a few quizzes, a couple presentations, 3 movies, but no midterm or final.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I - Spanish - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Beatriz Iffland | SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I | Spanish2004-04-16

This professor was very concerned with the understanding of the assigned readings and encouraged us to come to her office hours and talk with her about the assigned papers. She would stay after class on the days when she didn't have to teach another class and willingly would help with grammar issues etc. if a student asked for help. I would certainly take another Spanish class if I knew she was teaching and I thought she was a fair grader and appreciated how she didn't mind when I handed work in late.

The work was a decent amount and although it's the most reading I've done in a while, there was plenty of review in class and she emphasized the important things in class so as long as you pay attention and contribute to class discussion, things work out. Every few weeks, a small 2 page paper is due and she grades them and allows you to make changes so you can learn your errors.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I - Spanish - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Maria Conchita Davis | SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I | Spanish2004-04-13

Professor Davis is one the more intense Spanish 21 professors, but she is also very organized and never deviates from the syllabus. She has a genuine interest in each student's progress and is always available to discuss tests, compositions, grades, etc. Be warned, though. To get an A in her class is very difficult.

You will have to devote about an hour to Spanish every night. There are 4 compositions and 3 tests.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I - Spanish - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Beatriz Iffland | SPN021 - Composition and Conversation I | Spanish2004-04-09

A nice woman but a course that is very unorganized and unstructured. Gets the job done but doesn't really make class fun.

Not a lot of work but VERY unstructured. She makes last minute changes ALL the time and only vaguely follows the syllabus.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Spanish

1. Nancy Levy-Konesky (2.1)
2. Elizabeth Howe (2.1)
3. Dana Simpson (1.9)
4. Maria Conchita Davis (1.85)
5. Tamara Marquez-Raffetto (1.85)
6. Kathy Pollakowski (1.85)
7. Dora Older (1.85)
8. Claudia Kaiser-Lenoir (1.6)
9. Gabriela Martinez (1.6)
10. Juan Silva (1.6)
11. Cheryl Tano (1.6)
12. Ildefonso Manso (1.5)
13. Amy Millay (1.27)
14. Raquel Weitzman (1.1)
15. Juliana Berte (1.1)
16. Charles Dietrick (1.1)
17. Andy Klatt (1.1)
18. Mark Hernandez (1.1)
19. James Watson (0.35)
20. Beatriz Iffland (0.27)
21. Kate Risse (-0.15)
22. Mary Boyatt (-0.23)
23. Aida Belansky (-0.4)
24. Anne de Laire Mulgrew (-0.9)

Instructor rating avg: 4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.8 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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