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Tufts University: Michael Reed - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Michael Reed | BIO007 - ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY | Biology2006-01-11

So this class is easy, as long as you go to class and take notes. If you don't go to class, it makes it difficult to get a good grade on the breakouts (10 of 12 count) and it makes it even harder to make sense of the outlines he puts up on blackboard. Even if you don't do well on exams, going to every breakout will significantly improve your chances of doing well in the course. Class is rather boring though.

No textbook, occasional outside of class assignments for exams. Exams pretty much straightforward, don't miss breakouts. Go to every class and you're going to do well.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: Michael Reed - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Michael Reed | BIO007 - ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY | Biology2005-01-04

Great course! Professor covered so much material--gave a great introduction to the world of environmental science. Lectures were always interesting, given with Powerpoint. Professor had a great sense of humor too, and class participation was encouraged.

Workload was extremely small for the course. To do well, all you really need to do is come to class and take notes. Coming to class will ensure that you're present for breakout discussions (which make up 25% of your grade), and if you take good notes and study them well, you're bound to do well on the tests, which are made up directly from the lectures.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Michael Reed - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Michael Reed | BIO007 - ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY | Biology2004-04-09

A good, interesting professor with a lot to say. Lectures are kept interesting which is good since you need to show up to class most of the time for breakout sessions.

Not too much work. Some readings - which are pretty much optional if you go to class and take good notes.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Biology

1. Barry Trimmer (2.6)
2. Lewis Edgers (2.6)
3. David Cochrane (2.35)
4. Michael Reed (2.1)
5. Sara Lewis (2.1)
6. Jan Pechenik (1.85)
7. Harry Bernheim (1.6)
8. Margaret Lynch (1.6)
9. Ross Feldberg (1.37)
10. Astier Almedom (1.27)
11. Philip Starks (0.8)
12. Eli Siegel (0.6)
13. L. Michael Romero (0.6)
14. Frances Sze-Ling Chew (0.6)
15. Catherine Freudenreich (0.35)
16. George Ellmore (-0.07)
17. Michelle Gaudette (-0.19)

Instructor rating avg: 3.4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.4 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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