Tufts University: Rachael Kipp - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Professor Kipp is not the greatest professor at Tufts, but she does have a good learning curve. Considering this is her first class, she has improved vastly, however the class is still dull and not particularly interesting. Her lecturing style is dry, and she reads directly from the book during lecture. She can be very condescending to students during class when a question is asked regarding some problem or statement she has put up. A fact which is even more remarkable considering how many mathematical mistakes she makes. She is available during office hours and will spend time trying to fill in knowledge gaps; however her attitude of superiority shows through just as much during her office hours as it does during class.
Workload is not too bad, especially considering the alternative (Morse), but I would gladly trade a little bit more work for a better lecturer. To be fair, her problem sets and exams are fair and do not try and weed people out.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
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