Tufts University: Christopher Morse - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
While Morse initially seems funny and like a pretty cool guy, it quickly becomes clear that he is more interested in impressing people with his knowledge and wit than actually imparting knowledge upon them. He is not evil, and he is a good lecturer, but he talks down to the class all the time, both collectively and individually. It seems that most people are taking the class to satisfy a premed, or biology requirement, not because of their love for chemistry-- however, you end up working your ass off for a class about a topic you don't even care to know. If you want to do well in this class, you really have to understand the stuff on your own, because Morse won't be a great help to you if you're lost after the lecture...he will just make you feel stupid. If you can keep up with the class, though, you will really know a surprising amount of chemistry in the end.
There was more work for this class than for any class I have taken at Tufts.
There is a problem set and a lab report due every week, even when there are tests. The problem sets take hours to do...if you want to go out on Thursdays, you should have them done Wednesday night...the work never ends.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
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