Tufts University: Robert Dewald - Chemistry - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
I took Prof. Dewald's Chem 11 class freshman year, but had to drop it when i realized that... with no chemistry background i was over my head. Prof. Dewald was always willing to help, just go to his office hours!!! He is really smart, expects high quality from his students, so if you're a big time slacker... not a class for you. However, unlike Morse, he doesn't obsess over details, failing you on the test because you didn't get your sig fig's right... he's honest, fair and if you pay attention and go to him for help if you need it... you'll do well. He?s a great teacher.
Well... it's chem 1, so the workload is big. You have weekly problem sets, so find some study buddies to collaborate with...and they are graded for accuracy, so a question mark instead of an answer won't get you anywhere. Tests are based on the material presented, and they are hard (if you didn't study). You signed up for chem... so expect a large workload, but it's not any harder than any other teacher's and he'll help you if you go to him with questions. In fact, he'll practically throw the answers at you.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
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