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Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Harry Bernheim | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2006-05-25

I personally think that for bio 14, in general, it helps a lot to be able to read about a topic thoroughly before AND after a lecture from what's provided in the textbook. With Bernheim, there is absolutely no room for that. If you missed a lecture, you have to go to Tisch and fight over videos that end up broken anyway, and you can't read about it in the textbook because NOTHING IS THERE! I DON'T KNOW WHERE THIS GUY GETS HIS INFO FROM, AND IT DROVE ME CRRRAZY! I couldn't stand it because sometimes, when I don't get something from a lecture, it helps to go read on it, but I couldn't with this one. and that's some bullsh*t. But I'm pre-med, so i had to do it.

Memorize every lecture. I'm not kidding. For Chew, it's all textbook. For Ellmore, it was all about the lecture, but the info was in the textbook in case u needed it. For this guy, don't miss class. ever.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Community Health

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Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Harry Bernheim | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2006-04-27

Professor Bernheim is a great professor. He teaches a very interesting physiology section of Bio 14 and is the only professor from bio 13 or 14 during which I did not feel bored or tired during.

Although the best teacher out of Bio 13 and 14, I felt as though his test was the unfairest. As for all the tests, how much you know can take you only so far. The key is reading the question and interpreting it the way they want you to.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

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Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
George Ellmore | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2006-04-05

If ever plants could be sexy, this is the man to make it happen! When studying biology, plants are almost always that "we have to do this, just grin and bear it" topic, but I actually enjoyed the plant unit immensely. Ellmore's explanations are clear, his enthusiasm boundless, and his prodigious knowledge evident. A fantastic sense of humour as well!

The readings are typical of a biology class, and the test questions are about 90% simple, and 10% curveballs to really make you think.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Undecided

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Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Frances Sze-Ling Chew | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2006-02-27

After reading such negative comments about Prof. Chew I really expected someone horrible--- but I loved her, she was very clear and organized and updated blackboard the day before so we had an outline of the notes for the next day's lectures. She was also really helpful outside of class and made an effort to know people's names. Overall and awesome teacher, I know the material was easier than Bio 13, but she made all the concepts so clear and as long as you went to her lectures you would do fine, the readings are good to read once for examples but not over and over like bio 13.

For her part of Bio 14 there was a quiz, which only helped you not hurt you, and an exam which in the last years were really difficult but this year was really straightforward. Review sessions are really helpful and so is her writing workshop.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Child Development

review a class you took with Frances Sze-Ling Chew - help your classmates make informed decisions!

Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Frances Sze-Ling Chew | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2006-02-22

She is the worst professor I have ever had. I've never seen so many kids asleep in class before. Her analogies were ridiculous; she spent way too much time on the easy topics and not enough on the difficult ones. She's hard to understand, very confusing, and extremely boring.

Readings were all over the place, she assigned the same pages of reading multiple times. The test wasn't too difficult, but her questions were nevertheless still confusing.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

review a class you took with Frances Sze-Ling Chew - help your classmates make informed decisions!

Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
George Ellmore | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2005-05-23

If anyone had ever told me I would be INTERESTED in learning about plants, I would've said,"NO WAY!" But Prof. Ellmore made the information incredibly interesting, often tying it to things we take for granted in everyday life. It was a nice change from the old photosynthesis, light/dark reactions technical stuff, and Prof. Ellmore will keep you laughing. His exam questions were VERY straight-forward.

Go to the lectures and you don't really need to read the text, although I found some of it helpful. Otherwise, very light workload....

professor rating: | course rating: | major: OTHER

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Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Frances Sze-Ling Chew | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2005-05-01

Prof Chew's reading assignments seemed to be all over the place, and so were her lectures. She was hard to follow and often went off on tangents, so it was hard to discern what was important or not. Exams had little to do with readings or class notes, and had a lot to do with the optional problem sets assigned 3 times per course.

There was not much reading assigned, but it did not follow a logical path. Problem sets were optional, but recommended, and they were pretty difficult. The exam was difficult, but it was curved.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Undecided

review a class you took with Frances Sze-Ling Chew - help your classmates make informed decisions!

Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
George Ellmore | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2005-05-01

Prof. Ellmore was very enthusiastic about his topic of the course, but let?s face it - how interesting can plants really be? At least he was entertaining, though. Readings were helpful in understanding material.

Readings were helpful, and not long. The exam was very easy.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

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Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Harry Bernheim | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2005-05-01

Everyone looks forward to this section of Bio 14 because this is the part where you finally learn about animals. Unfortunately, Prof. Bernheim makes you lose interest by throwing complicated equations and convoluted jargon at you throughout the duration of the lecture. To his credit, he is very enthusiastic about his section of the course, but he often alludes to other courses he teaches, which takes away from the current lecture. I would not take another class with him.

Not too much reading was assigned. There was one exam at the end of the section that was curved.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Undecided

review a class you took with Harry Bernheim - help your classmates make informed decisions!

Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Harry Bernheim | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2005-04-30

One of the best Profs at Tufts. Funny informative, concerned with students' progress. There is nothing bad to say about this man except that he talks so freakishly fast that your hand might fall off trying to write everything down. However, he is happy to go over anything in office hours!


professor rating: | course rating: | major: Chemistry

review a class you took with Harry Bernheim - help your classmates make informed decisions!

Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Harry Bernheim | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2004-11-15

(Harry Bernheim/ George Elmore / Prof. Chew)

Wow.... be prepared... for teachers who talk fast, crack lots of jokes.. and have your hand moving faster than it has in any other class. Coming out of bio 13, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find yourself challenged with the material and actually awake during class. I found myself occasionally going to the library to watch the videotape after class, because I didn't get all the information written down during class. Review sessions are essential to go to, especially before the exam, because a lot of things are explained..that just might pop up on the exam. I really like their optional quizzes, helping you to get a few extra points if you find yourself borderline between two letter grades. The labs are MUCH better than bio 13. Basically if you made it through bio 13 alive... you're good to go. Bio 14 will demand you to pay attention during class, but at least you'll want to. The professors keep you engaged.

Workload... not nearly as bad as bio 13. a lot less reading, but you have to really pay attention in class. Fortunately the exams are all based on the material covered, and don't have as much RANDOM information as bio 13... Be sure to memorize the experiments...they are important.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Harry Bernheim | BIO014L - ORGANISMS & POPULATIONS | Biology2004-04-14

These professors (Harry Bernheim/George Ellmore/Harry Bernheim) are way more enthusiastic than those teaching Bio 13. They?re a lot more funny, but sometimes try too hard. All are very helpful. I learned a lot.

1/4 as much reading as bio 13. The exams are straight from the lectures, so you don?t have to read if you don?t want to. Very little work for a science course. Love it!

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Biology

1. Barry Trimmer (2.6)
2. Lewis Edgers (2.6)
3. David Cochrane (2.35)
4. Michael Reed (2.1)
5. Sara Lewis (2.1)
6. Jan Pechenik (1.85)
7. Harry Bernheim (1.6)
8. Margaret Lynch (1.6)
9. Ross Feldberg (1.37)
10. Astier Almedom (1.27)
11. Philip Starks (0.8)
12. Eli Siegel (0.6)
13. L. Michael Romero (0.6)
14. Frances Sze-Ling Chew (0.6)
15. Catherine Freudenreich (0.35)
16. George Ellmore (-0.07)
17. Michelle Gaudette (-0.19)

Instructor rating avg: 3.4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.4 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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