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Tufts University: BIO104 - Immunology - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Harry Bernheim | BIO104 - Immunology | Biology2006-03-27

Prof is very enthusiastic about course, talks very fast, almost everyone records the lecture to listen to later. Material is interesting, would probably take another class with same prof.

Work is pretty straight forward, reading the book helps but tests are entirely based on class notes. Prof tells you what you need to memorize. Test averages are high, no curve, good amount of partial credit

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

review a class you took with Harry Bernheim - help your classmates make informed decisions!

Tufts University: BIO104 - Immunology - Biology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Harry Bernheim | BIO104 - Immunology | Biology2005-11-29

The professor was definitely enthusiastic about this course since he worked with one of the molecules during his doctorate which was Il-1. Uh, Il-1 is one of the nearly thousands of molecules to memorize on this class. BUT he tells what to memorize so you don't have play guesswork. This is a great course. I loved it. Immunology is cool since you get to see all of the special forces against the viruses and bacteria. Like did you know that if you had a worm inside of you there's a special antibody for it?

Tests are not cumulative but they are (confused?). While the subsequent tests don't test directly on prior material, the actual material on the exams build on prior material. Also, since the class is taken by lots of nerds who have taken organic chemistry, the average is high enough to prohibit a curve. So if you slack off once, you're DOOMED. The tests go from easy, very hard, to Extremely hard. But the averages stay consistent even though he tried his hardest to make a difficult test. Tests are 33% each and are essay based questions. But I encourage you to take the class since the textbook is great reading! and enough for test preparation.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Biology

review a class you took with Harry Bernheim - help your classmates make informed decisions!
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Top Professors - Biology

1. Barry Trimmer (2.6)
2. Lewis Edgers (2.6)
3. David Cochrane (2.35)
4. Michael Reed (2.1)
5. Sara Lewis (2.1)
6. Jan Pechenik (1.85)
7. Harry Bernheim (1.6)
8. Margaret Lynch (1.6)
9. Ross Feldberg (1.37)
10. Astier Almedom (1.27)
11. Philip Starks (0.8)
12. Eli Siegel (0.6)
13. L. Michael Romero (0.6)
14. Frances Sze-Ling Chew (0.6)
15. Catherine Freudenreich (0.35)
16. George Ellmore (-0.07)
17. Michelle Gaudette (-0.19)

Instructor rating avg: 3.4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.4 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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