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Tufts University: Linda Loury - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Linda Loury | EC017 - Quantitative Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2005-12-16

Loury is by far the best professor in the Economics department. Her lectures are clear, concise and she answers questions very clearly. She is always available outside of class to answer questions or concerns. She is always tolerant of alternative views and listens to different interpretations or economic thought. This class is all math and little theory but if you like math def take the class. I would definitely take all of her other classes, (specializes in labor econ and inequality and poverty). Unambiguously the best class I have taken so far at Tufts.

There are 6 problem sets each with 2 or 3 questions. They take a few hours. 2 midterms with 20% each and a final exam worth 50%. The tests are similar to the Problem sets. The 2 midterms were relatively straight forward. The final was a bit tricky.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: Linda Loury - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Linda Loury | EC144 - Economic Inequality | Economics2005-05-10

Professor Loury was extremely concerned with student's progress. If you went to her in office hours she would gladly help you with whatever you needed. The class could be a touch boring at times, but I learned a lot and it was very straightforward.

The workload was a bit harder than most economics courses at Tufts. There are 3 in-class examinations. There is a 12-15 page research paper. There are also three "problem sets" which are basically 3 page papers. She puts the class notes online and that is all you really need to read to do well on the exams.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: Linda Loury - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Linda Loury | EC017 - Quantitative Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2005-01-15

Professor Loury is a kind and caring teacher, but her lectures can be extremely boring and hard to sit through. I don't think I learned all that much in the class.

The assignments weren't bad, pretty straightforward. Tests could were difficult though, she often curves them though.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Linda Loury - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Linda Loury | EC017 - Quantitative Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2004-11-17

Professor Loury is great. Although the lectures can be really boring, they didn't seem to drag on forever all the time. She'll answer any question you have and cares more about understanding the big picture than tiny specifics. I believe that she really cares about the students doing well in the course.

Fair workload. 5 or 6 graded problem sets with the lowest score dropped. 2 exams during the semester, plus a final exam. There are no surprises on the exams, and she puts all of her class notes on blackboard.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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11. Deborah Menegotto (2)
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13. Linda Loury (1.5)
14. Lynne Pepall (1.33)
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21. Thomas Downes (0.83)
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27. Sarwat Jahan (0.5)
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30. Felipe Martin (0.17)
31. Drusilla Brown (0.14)
32. Chih Ming Tan (0)
33. Winifred Rothenberg (-0.5)

Instructor rating avg: 3.5 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.5 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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