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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2007-12-17

Dan Richards is a horrible, horrible professor. I mean, we all knew he didn't care about his class or his students, but he could at least pretend like he did! Where to start:
1) His lectures basically have nothing to do with what's on his problem sets
2) His problem sets basically have nothing to do with his tests
3) His tests basically have nothing to do with anything
4) The things he puts online to "help" students are ridden with errors and can often actually HURT a student's understanding of something (believe me, this happened to me and other people several times)
5) His TA's all have different answers to give for the problem sets - which often all don't add up to Richards' answers
6) He didn't even hand out evaluation forms! I had to use this website because I had no other option!


-5 problem sets (you won't really know how to do them if you don't have friends in the class or a "TA."
-2 midterms and a final - Really, you shouldn't even be reading this review this far, I should've convinced you not to take him already

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC018 - Quantitative Intermediate Macroeconomics | Economics2006-08-14

Richards is a great guy. He knows his stuff and he's consistent. You must attend lecture if you want to do well on the tests. There is not really any text book so you must use class notes and problem sets to study. This class is very fair and by the end you will feel like you have a great handle on the subject matter.

While the class is difficult, there is not tons of work. Plan to study a lot for the tests because they are quite hard. There is no reading, and the problem sets don't need to be done before the test preparation.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2006-02-01

Professor Richards has a dry sense of humor which some find annoying, though I happened to like it. He's a pretty nice guy and a good lecturer. He posts the PowerPoint shows on Blackboard, but don't rely on them to understand the material, going to class is pretty important here.

Problems used in recitations and problem sets are often on the tests. The big problem with this class is that the assignments don't always reflect the information covered, you'll get some stuff on a test that you've never seen before. Go to the lectures, recitations and TA office hours.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Undecided

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2006-01-02

Professor Richards is the worst professor I have had at Tufts yet. He has absolutely no concern for students progress and he is virtually impossible to get a hold of outside of class. He often tries to make jokes about drinking to relate to students, but after a while, his jokes get boring and old. I often felt extremely lost and ALONE in this class since the TA's were the only source of help and seeing as they never came to class and weren't even Econ majors, they were not helpful at all.

Richards lectures often were very different from the textbook readings. About 1-3 Chapters were assigned per week, but in order to learn the information on the test, you didn't really have to do much of the readings. There are 5 Problem Sets, which weren't too hard and 2 Midterms + a Final. The midterms and final had some ridiculous, ambiguous questions and were graded impossibly. Yet, Richards does scale the final grade so it isn't too hard to get at least a B. Still, I didn't learn much from Richards...everything I learned was on my own.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Undecided

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2005-11-29

Teacher is not involved with class - does not respond to emails, therefore need to have a good TA. Richards makes the class hard and then does not curve the grades. Seems like a good guy, but would not take any class from him again.

2 midterms
1 final
5 graded problem sets

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Daniel Richards - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2005-11-29

This professor is never available to students. His TAs do all of the grading. Basically all he does is show up and give a powerpoint presentation.

5 problem sets
2 midterms
1 final


professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

review a class you took with Daniel Richards - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2005-11-13

Prof. Richards obviously understands his material and does a pretty good job explaining concepts to the class. He has a very dry sense of humor and makes a lot of references to drinking... He's hard to get a hold of and doesn?t encourage students to talk to him during office hours, but the TAs are willing to help with any questions. He does a pretty good job explaining concepts. He usually uses PowerPoint presentations and some economics ?games? to explain concepts (the presentations are posted on blackboard). He calls on one or two students each class to answer questions each class, and takes points off if that person isn?t in class.

Not too much work - problem sets of about 10 questions every two weeks or so.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Undecided

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC150 - Financial Economics | Economics2005-08-09

The tests and problem sets are old and not based on anything he covers in class. He also shows apathy about the class and student understanding. If you want to learn this subject, do not take it with him.


professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2005-04-14

Professor Richards is a great professor. He makes the class interesting using various activities and with his (maybe a little overused) dry sense of humor. All his lectures are online however he has the class list and calls on random people every now and then, and if you're not there when your name is called it affects your grade slightly. The class is a basic introduction into economics and I learned a lot.

There's a fair amount of reading but it is very manageable and you can even get away with not doing all of it, just skimming it. A problem set is due every 2 weeks or so. The problem sets can be tricky at times but you can ask TA's or classmates for help. Two midterms and a final. All in all the material can be fairly challenging but the workload isn't really that bad.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Undecided

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2005-01-20

Good teacher, somewhat entertaining and in occasions funny. His lectures were well organized, but when PowerPoint failed to work, he seemed a bit lost. An enjoyable class and a good teacher. Very recommendable.

Tough problem sets every 2 weeks, but if you are lucky and your TAs are good, they are always willing to help. Richards is practically unreachable and never answers E-mails, and asks students not to call his office. Not an excruciatingly hard class.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2004-12-27

Pretty easy course. Tests were pretty well structured around problem sets and lectures. All notes are online.

5 problem sets, two midterms, and a final. No reading

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Daniel Richards - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC005 - Principles of Economics | Economics2004-12-16

Richards is the man. He uses a LOT of PowerPoint, but it's nice because all his notes are online. Sometimes the lectures can get boring, but his dry sense of humor and jokes about alcohol keep things interesting. The class is enormous, but he still tries to have some sort of a relationship with his students, which is nice. Make sure you read the book because he doesn't always do the best job explaining things!

Not too bad. Only five problems sets, which were long and a little difficult, but definitely worthwhile when it came to test time. Two midterms and a final. The tests aren't bad, but he does throw in some tricks, so always read every question carefully!

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Daniel Richards - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC150 - Financial Economics | Economics2004-07-13

Prof. Richards is pretty amusing but he uses the same jokes every year. The notes get very repetitive. You only have to go to class about every other day. Recitations are helpful depending on your TA.

Not a lot of work at all. A problem set a week and 2 exams plust the final.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Daniel Richards - help your classmates make informed decisions!
Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC150 - Financial Economics | Economics2004-07-12

If you want to learn anything about this topic, don't take it with Richards. The problem sets, which are filled with errors, are not like the exams. The averages are very low. Richards is very snide and doesn't really care about student progress.


professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC018 - Quantitative Intermediate Macroeconomics | Economics2004-04-20

Prof. Richards gives a good lecture. His dry wit and nicely organized classes will keep you awake, no doubt. He has a good command of the material, and you want to hear it straight from him (there is hardly any reading material for the course). He is, however, difficult to get in touch with outside of class... so don't necessarily expect talk of monetary policy over coffee on the weekends. Overall, he is a good guy who teaches a good course.

The course is not that rigorous. You will want to attend class as much as you can -- the reading in the course packet is fairly light -- but missing a class won't throw you off in the least. Problem sets are not graded, and are there for your enjoyment... but if you do them, attend most of the classes, and can tie your shoes you'll do well on the exams (which are open-note and quite straightforward). It is an interesting class that won't break you.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC150 - Financial Economics | Economics2004-04-08

Richards, a Yale and MIT man, knows macroeconomics and economic schools of thought and presents them well. He is, however, a little confused when it comes to policy (expect to hear how good social security can be), and a little confused politically (you may still be able to read about the Florida recount on his door).

There are two good reasons to go class: his lectures are much more helpful than the book, plus he makes frequent references to drugs and alcohol.

Grades are based completely on tests, which aren't too bad if you do the problem sets.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC150 - Financial Economics | Economics2004-04-08

If you are looking to learn about financial, etc - don't take it with him. He is not helpful with problem sets or exams, which have averages in the 60's. Basically if you take this class you're wasting your time


professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Daniel Richards - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Daniel Richards | EC001 - Principles of Microeconomics | Economics2004-04-06

Professor Dan Richards is cool and loves his PowerPoint. He keeps class interesting by handing out random activities to do during class time. There is lots of work for problem sets, but grading and exams are pretty fair, and his notes are available online. I have heard that he is hard to contact outside of class, so if you like to bond with your professors you might have a hard time doing that with him. Choose your TA wisely, because he/she will be answering all your questions.

His problem sets are long.. and tend to be much harder than what one sees in his exams.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Instructor rating avg: 3.5 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.5 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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