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Tufts University: Felipe Martin - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Felipe Martin | EC013 - Statistics | Economics2006-09-01

Felipe Martin is an excellent professor. His lecturers are well-organized and relevant because he teaches almost exactly according to the textbook. Some people say his class is especially challenging because it's mathy, but upon reading the text a little, one might notice that that is unfortunately the nature of EC 13, and has little to do with the way Prof. Martin teaches.

Workload is a bit more difficult than say, EC 5. Read or even skim the some chapter-end problems, and go to his office hours, which are helpful. Prof. Martin does like math, but I think skimming the book might help you discriminate which concepts are most important (so that you can save yourself from being bogged down by less relevant mathy things). Exams are challenging but do get curved reasonably I think.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: Felipe Martin - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Felipe Martin | EC013 - Statistics | Economics2005-07-16

OK, if you are depressed or suicidal DO NOT take this class with Martin! He is so unbelievably boring! Always the same voice and tone. Very slow and puts you to sleep! The hardest is actually staying awake in the class! Tests are hard but you do get to bring a cheat sheet which is nice as you do not have to remember all the formulas! Problem sets are pretty straight forward. I would NOT ever take another class with this professor! I know that Ec 13 is a pre requisite for econ major but if you can take it with Thomas Downes who actually makes you believe that statistics is the most important subject in the world!

In summary HORRIBLE class and professor.

5 problem sets, 3 tests and a final. You actually look forward to the test because you do not have to listen to professor Martin! What a relief!

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: Felipe Martin - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Felipe Martin | EC012 - Intermediate Macroeconomics | Economics2004-11-07

He is very boring and dry. He talks in monotone and doesn't really make you interested in the class. His tests are challenging in that it's not what you prepared for. It goes beyond the book and what he teaches.

It's basically a chapter a class - not too much to handle. He'll give you about 5 problem sets a semester and 3 tests. But the tests are difficult.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Felipe Martin - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Felipe Martin | EC013 - Statistics | Economics2004-04-11

This class is crazy hard -- not because the material is terribly difficult, but because Prof. Martin does not explain it in an accessible manner. I felt like I might as well have bought a Books On Tape version of the textbook and gotten exactly the same knowledge from the class. An excellent teacher can add to the textbook's explanations, helping the students to actually understand, but Prof. Martin (like many other teachers in the department, to be fair) just followed the text.
Also, it was difficult to know what Prof. Martin expected us to learn, so if you are a person who stresses about grades, this class will give you heartburn. I remember the final as being so inscrutable that you could almost hear everybody's cold sweat dripping to the floor.
The final, like the midterms, took the basics for granted and made us go beyond what we learned in class, beyond what we practiced on the problem sets, and really apply what we learned and USE it. So, it was exciting, and definitely harder and DIFFERENT from other tests I've taken. Studying doesn't help much; just make a good formula sheet and come prepared to do some mental gymnastics.
If you don't naturally have a "math brain" then I recommend you take this class from someone other than Prof Martin if you can.

Average workload for an econ class.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Felipe Martin - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Felipe Martin | EC013 - Statistics | Economics2004-04-06

If you're an economics major, you have to take this class, so you may as well take it with Martin. He is clear, methodical, and highly organized in his presentation of the material.

Students will find the tests very challenging and lengthy, but generally fair. Exams are open notes and open book so attending class and reading through the text on your own is Martin is available for help in office hours.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: Felipe Martin - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Felipe Martin | EC013 - Statistics | Economics2004-03-30

Martin is pretty boring to be honest. The lectures are very dry for both courses (this and EC0012 - Intermediate Macroeconomics) and he does not draw interest. I learned less in these classes compared to others.

Workload is manageable which is why I took a second class with Martin. You have about 5 problem sets per semester and probably 3 tests and a final. He lets you bring a double-sided cheat sheet to all tests and offers a bonus question on all tests. In my intermediate macro class he offered a retake because grades were low. So it's a tradeoff because it is easy to do well even if the experience isn't great.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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21. Thomas Downes (0.83)
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27. Sarwat Jahan (0.5)
28. Daniel Richards (0.36)
29. Siddiq Abdullah (0.27)
30. Felipe Martin (0.17)
31. Drusilla Brown (0.14)
32. Chih Ming Tan (0)
33. Winifred Rothenberg (-0.5)

Instructor rating avg: 3.5 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.5 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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