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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sarwat Jahan | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2006-05-29

Jahan is, all in all, an absolutely horrible professor. She literally reads the books, but manages to mispronounce every other word. It is much more useful just to read the textbook and skip lecture, but because she is disorganized, class is a necessary evil to find out dates of exams, problem sets and quizes. More than once I asked her a question about the problem set and found out that the answer she gave me was wrong. If you can avoid taking EC 12 do so. If you can't avoid the class, at least avoid her.

The class is fairly easy, 3 exams including a non cumulative final and 6 problem sets. She's an easy grader, but only because everyone would fail otherwise, due to her horrible explanations of everything.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Deborah Menegotto | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2006-05-05

Professor Menegotto is a great professor who is truly concerned with the progress of her students. Her classes are very organized, and you don't even need to study from the book (however, you do need it for problem sets). Her tests are based solely on her notes, problem sets, and review problems she gives you before a test. Also, if you ask her a question during the test or for a problem set she is more than happy to help you out. She does have an accent, but it is manageable, and you are copying from the board anyway. I would definitely take another class with her.

The workload wasn't bad at all. You get about 9 problem sets throughout the semester (once a week or so), which is 15% of your grade, and there are 2 tests, which are worth 40% and 45% of your grade. The second test in during finals and is not cumulative. The problem sets really help you out for the tests.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Deborah Menegotto | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2006-04-08

She is genuinely concernced with student progress and makes great efforts to impart her knowledge. That being said, she does have an accent so test her out before you register.

Exams weighted a huge amount 40% midterm, 45% final. Only 15% for problem sets. The tests are fair and she is great if you ask her questions.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
John Straub | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2005-11-15

Straub shows some concern towards progress of his students. When we all failed the first quiz, he let us do a take-home quiz for extra credit. He can be very sarcastic at times which can rub people the wrong way, but generally does his best to reach out to students. He also emphasizes the fact that EC 11 really is the foundation of all upper-level economics courses, and that if you master this class you should do well in the 100-levels.

Two term exams (one in the earlier part of the semester, another right before reading period), and one final examination. Tests are not that bad, but the grades were pretty ranged from F to A+ out of a class of 29 students.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Deborah Menegotto | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2005-06-10

I absolutely LOVED taking EC11 with Professor Menegotto. She was truly amazing. Always concerned with students' progress, she encouraged us to come to her office hours, which were very helpful. The problem sets were difficult, but the tests were straightforward, so, basically, the problem sets served as preparation. It was unnecessary to read or even buy the textbook, as Menegotto's class was so straightforward you didn't need to read the text for clarification. As long as you understand what she is teaching, you will do extremely well in the class.


professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Charles White | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2005-02-22

Class is tough for liberal arts students that don?t take a math class. But it?s a breeze for any engineers. Prof. White is awesome. He is clear and to the point. Gets the job done and makes it interesting.

Take this class and EC91:Economics of Sports which he also teaches.

P-sets and tests. Always fun. Hey, that?s what we are here for right?

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Karen Eggleston | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2004-12-21

Eggleston presents the material clearly but she can be boring and very dry. I found the class to be fairly easy. I probably wouldn?t take another class with Eggelston. She does post the notes online though, which is nice.

Standard work load for an econ class. A couple problems sets a midterm and a final.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Garman | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2004-10-22

Professor Garman is a great professor. He is very concerned with the students - will push back a problem set or quiz without hesitation if students appear to be behind. He seems to be pretty enthusiastic about the material, and is quite funny about it (even though he appears pretty shy). I wouldn't hesitate to take another class with Garman.

A problem set and a quiz every week. Reading is a chapter a week if you keep up with it. If you keep up with the work, the exams aren't too difficult.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Charles White | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2004-04-25

Professor White tends to dwell on some topics, often the easier concepts, while he whizzes through the more complicated material, in particular the math, without fully explaining himself. He is, however, funny and random (contributing to his humor) and helpful when you approach him in person.


professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Ani Dasgupta | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2004-04-24

This class is pretty good. Prof. Dasgupta knows what he's talking about. He expects alot out of the students in terms of applying theory to different situations, but he explains everything very well. He is more concerned with students' understanding than teaching to the book. You should come out of this class feeling like you actually understand how microeconomics works.

There are a bunch of problem sets, but none of them are due. They are purely for the student's understanding. The grade is based on class participation, two midterms, and a final, so you need to go to class. The first midterm isn't too hard, the second is a take home excel-based midterm.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Charles White | EC011 - Intermediate Microeconomics | Economics2004-03-30

Professor White is a good teacher, but he is not very helpful when you ask him questions, and is often even condescending. However, his stories and smirky remarks make the class bearable.

The reading is a chapter of the text a week (required to do well on the tests). There is a demanding problem set due every week. He doesn?t teach the material covered on the problem sets, instead he expects student to teach the material to themselves.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Top Professors - Economics

1. Ani Dasgupta (2.5)
2. Enrico Spolaore (2.5)
3. Anna Hardman (2.33)
4. George Norman (2.33)
5. David Garman (2.25)
6. Charles Murphy (2.13)
7. Edward Kutsoati (2.13)
8. Jay Shimshack (2)
9. David Dapice (2)
10. Christopher McHugh (2)
11. Deborah Menegotto (2)
12. Sharun Mukand (1.75)
13. Linda Loury (1.5)
14. Lynne Pepall (1.33)
15. Steven Yamarik (1.25)
16. Andrew Morrison (1.17)
17. Margaret McMillan (1.17)
18. Charles White (1.13)
19. Michael Miller (1)
20. Karen Eggleston (1)
21. Thomas Downes (0.83)
22. Ahmed Mahmud (0.75)
23. Jeffrey Zabel (0.71)
24. Marcelo Bianconi (0.5)
25. Henry (Sunghyun) Kim (0.5)
26. John Straub (0.5)
27. Sarwat Jahan (0.5)
28. Daniel Richards (0.36)
29. Siddiq Abdullah (0.27)
30. Felipe Martin (0.17)
31. Drusilla Brown (0.14)
32. Chih Ming Tan (0)
33. Winifred Rothenberg (-0.5)

Instructor rating avg: 3.5 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.5 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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