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Tufts University: EC175 - Economics of Management and Strategy - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
George Norman | EC175 - Economics of Management and Strategy | Economics2006-05-11

***If I could give this Professor and this course a 6 rating instead of a 5, I would.***

Professor Norman is terrific and I really enjoyed this class. The issues that he touches upon are interesting and well-presented, and he is a very funny, easygoing, smart guy with lots of great stories. Some stories are related to his relevant work as an economic consultant and others are simply for fun, but he is always engaging in each case. He constantly talks about current issues, engages discussion and lectures very well, explaining things very clearly with his great PowerPoint lectures.

Anyone who is considering a career in consulting or in investment banking should most definitely take this course. I think that it is very relevant whatever business you may work in, or start yourself, but it is especially great for these two areas because it is very much like an MBA course - it uses a business school text that is actually very good. The course talks about strategic positioning, commitment theory, diversification, pricing rivalry and the vertical chain, among other things.

The worlkload for the class during the regular school semester is fairly taxing, with a lot of writing. But I enjoyed the class so much that I was never upset with the amount of work that's required. There is a 5 page take-home midterm, a 12-15 page individual research paper, a 5 page take-home final essay, and a 30-40 page industry analysis that is completed in groups of about 5. The midterm and final rely heavily on economic theory and therefore aren't that easy to write last minute, which is, unfortunately, how I approach most of my assignments.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: EC175 - Economics of Management and Strategy - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
George Norman | EC175 - Economics of Management and Strategy | Economics2005-06-28

Professor Norman is an excellent lecturer, and manages to make somewhat dry course material interesting by inserting witty anecdotes and applying current economic and business news into his lectures. He posts all his lectures on Blackboard ahead of time so it isn't difficult to catch up if you miss a few lectures. He is always eager to field questions, although he does get lost on tangents. He is readily available outside of class and very enthusiastic and helpful.

The courseload during the summer session is two 5 page short papers in which you choose to answer one of four questions, and one sixteen page research paper that is very flexible. Since you have many options for essay topics, you can easily avoid writing on any part of the course you don't understand, and focus on the lectures that are interesting.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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33. Winifred Rothenberg (-0.5)

Instructor rating avg: 3.5 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.5 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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