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Tufts University: MATH006 - Finite Math - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Lisa Perrone | MATH006 - Finite Math | Mathematics2005-06-29

Professor Perrone is a happy-go-lucky professor who encourages class involvement (as much as one can in a math class). She definitely is concerned with student's progress, and ask the class again and again to make sure. Very approachable and friendly.

Took differential equations with perrone, have never taken finite math so N/A

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Chemistry

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Tufts University: MATH006 - Finite Math - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Isles | MATH006 - Finite Math | Mathematics2005-04-29

Professor Isles is one of the worst math instructors I have ever had. I feel he does not teach the material well and when a student has a question, he does not do a good job of answering it. You have to teach the material to yourself because his lectures are not helpful at all in understanding the material being covered.

Assignments are pretty straightforward; a set of problems are due each day.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: MATH006 - Finite Math - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Mary Glaser | MATH006 - Finite Math | Mathematics2005-03-15

Mary Glaser is the best. She is so energetic, and infuses her lectures with pop-culture and sports references, not to mention colored chalk and other childish props. It's much appreciated early in the morning. If you have to fulfill a math requirement, there is NO WAY i would sign up with anyone other than her--honestly, best decision, even though I couldn't take a class I wanted to take because it conflicted. She makes the subject manageable and palatable. And I hate math.

Very acceptable amount of work. Just need to devote a day to prepare for the tests and you should be fine.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: English

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Tufts University: MATH006 - Finite Math - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Mary Glaser | MATH006 - Finite Math | Mathematics2004-11-25

Glaser's an amazing prof., even for classes meant for the less mathematically inclined, like Math 6.

Assignments were reasonable and relevant.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: MATH006 - Finite Math - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Olga Kurgalina | MATH006 - Finite Math | Mathematics2004-04-25

In my opinion, this class and Prof Kurgalina are an embarrassment to Tufts University. Not only does she care little if at all about her student's progress, but she is confusing and unwilling to answer questions. If you need to take this class to fill the math requirement, you are better off teaching yourself from the book then you are going to class.

Standard math class. One hw due each class and 4 tests.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: MATH006 - Finite Math - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Isles | MATH006 - Finite Math | Mathematics2004-04-20

Professor Isles, while probably a genuinely nice older man, is the most disorganized, confusing, and unprepared professor on campus. None are these are traits that you'd want in a person teaching math to you. While the concepts are not overly complex, his attempts at explaining them tend to confuse students more often than not. In my experience, the class ended up being self taught. If you have some background in upper level mathematics (not necessarily calculus) and/or statistics, this shouldn't be too hard of a math requirement course to get out of the way. However, be prepared to be exasperated at lectures often times.

Homework due every class, 3 exams and final. Review sheets are helpful to study from.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: MATH006 - Finite Math - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Olga Kurgalina | MATH006 - Finite Math | Mathematics2004-04-12

Class involvement is encouraged but limited in a sense. Material is very understandable and the book used helped a lot, even more than the class experience. Need to get a math requirement out of the way? This a good class with some good concepts but not ultra intense.

Workload for all Math 06 classes is pretty standard: one homework per class. Takes about 40 minutes apiece.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Olga Kurgalina - help your classmates make informed decisions!
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Top Professors - Mathematics

1. Fulton Gonzalez (2.15)
2. Bruce Boghosian (2.15)
3. Joseph McGrath (2.15)
4. Gail Kaufmann (2.05)
5. Zbigniew Nitecki (1.95)
6. Daniella Shnaps (1.9)
7. Loring Tu (1.82)
8. E. Todd Quinto (1.78)
9. Lisa Perrone (1.65)
10. Misha Kilmer (1.65)
11. Sergey Vasilyev (1.65)
12. Kim Ruane (1.6)
13. Linda Garant (1.57)
14. Christian Benes (1.44)
15. Mary Glaser (1.37)
16. Jonathan Bihari (1.32)
17. Alex Frumosu (1.15)
18. Christoph Borgers (0.75)
19. Richard Weiss (0.65)
20. Adam Piggott (0.65)
21. Monica Moreno Rocha (0.4)
22. David Isles (0.35)
23. Peter Staab (0.15)
24. Marjorie Hahn (-0.23)
25. Murray Elder (-0.35)
26. Olga Kurgalina (-0.35)
27. Boris Hasselblatt (-0.35)
28. Matthew Goodman (-0.35)
29. Mauricio Gutierrez (-0.45)
30. George McNinch (-0.6)
31. Tawanda Gwena (-0.95)
32. John David Cowan (-1.35)

Instructor rating avg: 4 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.7 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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