Tufts University: MATH038 - Differential Equations - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
I'm a little biased on this, since Todd Qunito is my hero. He really knows his math, and is a fantastically nice guy. He is really open to his students and is almost always willing to make whatever time you need for additional help. In class, I've found him to be one of the best math lecturers. He's pretty good at explaining things, and is extremely willing to hear feedback (i.e. slow down in class, go through more problems on the board, cover the homework more), and he acts on what he hears. Probably one of the most student-oriented profs in the Math department. He's really quirky, so if you are into that you'll find class pretty amusing.
The workload was roughly typical of other lower level math classes (ex: 46, 13). I found it important to keep up with the homeworks to do well on the tests, but the homeworks are more or less optional so you can miss a few or do them later no problem.
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Tufts University: MATH038 - Differential Equations - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Prof. Gutierrez is tied for the worst teacher I have ever had. For the first half of the semester I tried going to class but I learned absolutely nothing from his lectures. I started skipping class to do the assignments and that was the most time efficient way to learn the material. He would go very fast and go about problems completely different from other professors and the book. I would never take a class with him again.
Same as any math course: daily assignments, 3 exams and a final.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
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Tufts University: MATH038 - Differential Equations - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccessReview:
Personally, I don't really think professors matter that much in math, because you really just need to study from the textbook. But Professor Perrone does a good job of getting across the material in class. She genuinely cares whether or not you understand the material, and tries to help you understand to the best of her ability. She?s pretty enthusiastic about the course. And is usually available outside class. The consensus is that differential equations is easier than Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus.
Reading is essential to math!!!! But it?s up to the individual. Doing HW is also very important to doing well in class, but it?s also not required, they tally the ending amount of hw you did and divide the total number by 5 and add that number to one of your test grades. 3 midterms, one final.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A |
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