Tufts University: Tawanda Gwena - Mathematics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
I would like to echo the sentiment of the reviews before me. This man is quite possibly the worst teacher I have ever had, no joke. He explained nothing in a way that me or any of my classmates could understand. He is a nice man yes, but we are not paying for nice professors, we are paying to learn, and that is something you will do none of if you take a class with Gwena. I taught the entire course to myself and stopped going to class because I realized it was a waste of time. DO NOT TAKE A CLASS WITH THIS GUY.
Assignments and tests are the same for every Calc 1 class, so it doesn't matter what teacher you have. You will do much better on the tests if you don't have this guy.
professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics |
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